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截至目前,Keras(官方)似乎没有提供预训练的 AlexNet 模型。另一方面,PyTorch 可以。如果您愿意使用不同的框架来完成任务,则可以使用 PyTorch。您可以像这样检索 AlexNet 的预训练版本:
您可以找到可用预训练模型的列表 此处,以及图像分类的迁移学习教程 这里。
As of right now, Keras does not (officially) seem to offer a pre-trained AlexNet model. PyTorch, on the other hand, does. If you are willing to use a different framework for the task, you can use PyTorch. You can retrieve a pre-trained version of the AlexNet like so:
You can find the list of available pre-trained models here, and a transfer learning tutorial for image classification here.
Hope that answers your question!