Erlang:在 gen_server 崩溃并重新启动后,ets 表不会保留数据

发布于 2025-01-11 15:41:19 字数 1593 浏览 6 评论 0 原文

我有一个 gen_server,它在 ets 表中存储对象的位置,如下所示。

-record(slot, {position, object}).

%% API
-export([start_link/1, init/1, move/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, get/1, delete/1]).

start_link() ->
  gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).

init([]) ->
  WidthX, HeightY = get_dims(),
  ets:new(my_gen_server,[named_table, {keypos, #slot.position}]),
  {ok, {WidthX, HeightY}}.

move(Object, {X,Y}) ->
  gen_server:call(?MODULE, {move, Object, {X,Y}}).

handle_call({move, Object, {X,Y}}, _From, {WidthX, HeightY}) ->
  case add_or_move(Object, X, Y) of
    {error, Reason} ->
      {reply, {error, Reason}, {WidthX, HeightY}};
    _ ->
      {reply, ok, {WidthX, HeightY}}

search_object(Object) ->
  Pos = ets:match(my_gen_server, #slot{position ='$1', object = Object, _='_'}),
  case Pos of
    [] -> {error, "Not found"};
    _ -> lists:flatten(Pos)

add_or_move(Object, X, Y) ->
   Pos = search_object(Object),
   case Pos of
      {error, _Reason} ->
          supervisor:start_child(my_object_sup, [Object, {X, Y}]),
          ets:insert(my_gen_server, #slot{position = {X,Y}, object = Object});
      _ ->
          ets:insert(my_gen_server, #slot{position = {X,Y}, object = Object})

问题是当主管启动 my_gen_server 并且进程崩溃并重新启动时,ets 表消失了,我丢失了所有对象数据。我搜索了这个问题,到处都说在 ets 表中存储数据可以帮助使状态持续存在,但我在任何地方都找不到实现它的代码。 我还尝试在调用 gen_server:start_link 而不是 init 之前创建 ets 表,但这会阻止 gen_server 在崩溃后重新启动。我知道从概念上讲 ets 表应该能够持久保存状态,但确实需要一些帮助来理解它在代码中的工作原理。

I have a gen_server which stores positions of objects in an ets table like this

-record(slot, {position, object}).

%% API
-export([start_link/1, init/1, move/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, get/1, delete/1]).

start_link() ->
  gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).

init([]) ->
  WidthX, HeightY = get_dims(),
  ets:new(my_gen_server,[named_table, {keypos, #slot.position}]),
  {ok, {WidthX, HeightY}}.

move(Object, {X,Y}) ->
  gen_server:call(?MODULE, {move, Object, {X,Y}}).

handle_call({move, Object, {X,Y}}, _From, {WidthX, HeightY}) ->
  case add_or_move(Object, X, Y) of
    {error, Reason} ->
      {reply, {error, Reason}, {WidthX, HeightY}};
    _ ->
      {reply, ok, {WidthX, HeightY}}

search_object(Object) ->
  Pos = ets:match(my_gen_server, #slot{position ='$1', object = Object, _='_'}),
  case Pos of
    [] -> {error, "Not found"};
    _ -> lists:flatten(Pos)

add_or_move(Object, X, Y) ->
   Pos = search_object(Object),
   case Pos of
      {error, _Reason} ->
          supervisor:start_child(my_object_sup, [Object, {X, Y}]),
          ets:insert(my_gen_server, #slot{position = {X,Y}, object = Object});
      _ ->
          ets:insert(my_gen_server, #slot{position = {X,Y}, object = Object})

The problem is when a supervisor starts my_gen_server and the process crashes and restarts, the ets table is gone and I lose all my object data. I searched for this problem and everywhere they say that storing data in ets table can help in making the state persist but I cannot find the code to achieve it anywhere.
I also tried creating the ets table before gen_server:start_link is called instead of init, but that prevents the gen_server from restarting at all after crash. I understand that conceptually ets table should be able to persist the state but would really like some help in understanding how it works in code.

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幽蝶幻影 2025-01-18 15:41:19

ets 表链接到创建它们的进程,这就是为什么如果您在 gen_server 进程中创建表,当进程终止时,该表将被销毁。
如果您希望该表持续存在,您基本上有 2 个选择:

  • 使用 ets 继承机制:查看 ets:give_away/3 和用于表初始化的 heir 选项。
  • 保持单个进程拥有不属于您的服务器之一的表。在这种情况下,表应创建为公共命名表,并且不应在表持有进程上执行任何操作。该进程应该只存在来保存表。然后,您的服务器就可以按名称访问该表。

ets tables are linked to the process that creates them, that's why if you create the table in a gen_server process when the process terminates, the table is destroyed.
If you want the table to persist, you have basically 2 options:

  • Use the ets inheritance mechanism: Check out ets:give_away/3 and the heir option for table initialization.
  • Keep a single process owning the table that is not one of your servers. In this case, the table should be created as a public and named table and no operation should be performed on the table-holding process. That process should only exist to hold the table. Then, your servers can just access the table by name.
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