使用 LaTex 修复背页上的间距
我正在制作我的简历,并在 Overleaf 中使用 LaTex。我在正确间隔所有内容时遇到问题。这是我的乳胶。
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Sidratul Muntaha Ahmed
% License : MIT
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\textbf{\Huge \scshape Brad Bieselin} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\textbf{\small \scshape 516-557-8407 $|$ Wantagh, NY} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\href{https://bradbieselin.com/}{\underline{bradbieselin.com}} $|$ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{\underline{[email protected]}} $|$
\href{https://linkedin.com/in/bradbieselin}{\underline{linkedin.com/in/bradbieselin}} $|$
{Witbe Inc}{New York, NY}
{Project Manager/Customer Success Manager}{June 2021-Present}
\resumeItem{Led and managed 9 projects for customers including Verizon, ViacomCBS, and Peacock by automating VoD asset testing, Channel Change testing, and video/audio quality analysis using Witbe robots}
\resumeItem{Prepared and facilitated 8+ hour interactive training sessions for all customers, including 10+ senior executives on delivery of new products and software}
\resumeItem{Planned, scheduled and executed all software, hardware, and system integration with over 100 Witbe robots and customer devices to ensure the best Quality of Experience monitoring}
\resumeItem{Established growth and generated improvements to customer business by over 40\% by managing automated scripting and monitoring projects, and finding opportunities for improvement}
\resumeItem{Stimulated progress of each project to meet deadlines and standards with 10+ check-ins per week and constant improvemenets to automation scripts}
{Apple Inc}{Remote}
{Software Quality Engineer}{February 2021-June 2021}
\resumeItem{Developed projects in Java using Jackson, Jenkins, TestNG and Gradle which analyzed and validated Apple.com product prices when adding products to the cart, testing over 3000 scenarios}
\resumeItem{Engineered a Full-Stack project which allows the upload and download of files, built with a React.js and Spring Boot backend, and using Amazon S3 cloud storage to store files}
\resumeItem{Gained fluency in AWS with 40+ hours of training and obtained AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification}
\resumeItem{Collaborated with development engineers for code review regularly to propose improvements}
\resumeItem{Collected data, devised Confluence reports, and presented reports during weekly team meetings which highlighted progress of software quality testing projects}
{Frontend Web Developer}{}
{Freelance}{January 2021-Present}
\resumeItem{Coding web applications and integrating CMS driven data, such as Contentful}
\resumeItem{Designing and creating user interfaces with modern frameworks including React.js and Next.js}
\resumeItem{Completed FrontendMasters Bootcamp and 40+ hours of additional courses including Functional Javascript, Advanced CSS, Computer Science, and Website Accessibility}
{\href{https://studentprofiles.bradbieselin.com/}{\underline{Student Profiles}} $|$ \emph{React.js/Firebase}}{}
\resumeItem{Developed a website which lets users filter student profiles by name or tag and see test scores driven by an API, using React.js for the frontend}
{\href{https://bitcointracker.bradbieselin.com/}{\underline{Bitcoin Tracker}} $|$ \emph{Javascript/Firebase}}{}
\resumeItem{An animated sunset built with Javascript, CSS, and HTML that tracks the live price of Bitcoin using the Binance.com websocket}
{\textbf{University at Albany, SUNY} \emph{}}{May 2015-December 2019}
\resumeItem{Bachelor of Science in Computer Science}
\resumeItem{Awarded from the College of Engineering and Applied Science}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: Javascript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, Java, Python, C, LaTex, PowerShell, Bash} \\
\textbf{Web Skills}{: WebPack, Babel, Tailwind, Styled Components, SEO, Contentful CMS, Amazon Web Services} \\
\textbf{React Skills}{: Next, Gatsby, Material/Semantic UI} \\
\textbf{Technologies}{: Git, WSL 2, VS Code/Studio, IntelliJ, Node.js, Express, Spring Boot} \\
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