需要帮助在 R 中编码具有最小值的 ODE

发布于 2025-01-11 09:54:42 字数 3572 浏览 5 评论 0 原文



q <- function(inputs) {
  g <- inputs[3]
  r <- inputs[2]
  d <- inputs[1]

s <- function(inputs) {
  g <- inputs[3]
  r <- inputs[2]
  d <- inputs[1]
  k <- inputs[5]
  v <- inputs[4]

n <- function(inputs) {
  g <- inputs[3]
  r <- inputs[2]
  d <- inputs[1]
  k <- inputs[5]
  v <- inputs[4]
  s0 <- inputs[6]
  (d - r)*(-1*(s0/(g*r)) - (d*k)/(d*g*r + d*v - r*v))


one <- function (t, x, params) {
  ## first extract the state variables
  N <- x[1]
  Q <- x[2]
  S <- x[3]
  ## now extract the parameters
  r <- params["r"]
  g <- params["g"]
  d <- params["d"]
  v <- params["v"]
  k <- params["k"]
  s0 <- params["s0"]
  ## now code the model equations
  dNdt <- N*(r*(1-(g/Q))-d)
  dQdt <- v*(S/(S+k))-r*(Q-g)
  dSdt <- d*(s0-S)-(N*v*(S/(S+k)))
  ## combine results into a single vector
  dxdt <- c(dNdt,dQdt,dSdt)
  ## return result as a list!
parms <- c(r=0.1, g=0.001, d=0.03, v=0.1, k=0.01, s0=1) 
times <- seq(from=0,to=1000,by=0.1)
xstart <- c(N=800,Q=1,S=1)

) %>%
  as.data.frame() -> out

out %>%
  gather(variable,value,-time) %>%

### setting up dataframe with numerical simulation

## List of parameter values
l <- list(r = 0.1, 
          g = 0.001,
          d = c(0.03, 0.035, 0.04, 0.045, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.065, 0.07, 0.075,
                0.08, 0.085, 0.09),
          v = 0.1,
          k = 0.01,
          s0 = 1)

## Matrix with 'prod(lengths(l))' rows listing combinations
## of parameter values
P <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, l))

## Wrapper around 'ode' extracting state at final time
getLast <- function(parms, y, times, func, ...) {
  X <- deSolve::ode(y, times, func, parms, ...)
  X[nrow(X), -1L]

## Matrix of final states corresponding rowwise to 'P'
X <- t(apply(P, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = getLast, 
             y = c(N = 800, Q = 1, S = 1), 
             times = seq(from = 0, to = 1000, by = 1),
             func = one))

cbind(P, X) |> as.data.frame() -> dilution
## setting up dataframe of analytical solutions

analytical <- data.frame(d = seq(0.01, 0.09, 0.005), r = rep(0.1,17), g = rep(0.001,17),
                         v = rep(0.1, 17), k = rep(0.01, 17), s0 = rep(1, 17))

analytical$qa <- apply(analytical, 1, q)
analytical$na <- apply(analytical, 1, n)
analytical$sa <- apply(analytical, 1, s)

## merge analytical and numerical simulation together

total <- merge(analytical, dilution, by = c("r", "d", "g", "k", "v", "s0"))


我的顾问已经在 Mathematica 中进行了模拟并求解了解析解,我正在尝试将其转换为 R,但我对 R 仍然有点陌生。我试图让它看起来像这样: mathematica 笔记本方程,但在 R 中。我认为 Q1、Q2、S1 和 S2 的方程非常简单,类似于我已经完成的一个物种一个资源,但我是努力将最小值纳入 N 方程中。另外,这会改变我运行数值模拟的方式吗?我的顾问说数值模拟会更容易编码,所以我想知道是什么使得该分析解决方案更难实现?我感谢任何和所有的帮助!非常感谢您抽出时间。

I'm working on a phytoplankton resource model for my thesis. To get familiar with the model, I started working with ODEs for one species (of phytoplankton) and one resource (such as phosphorus). I got the analytical solutions and numerical simulations running for that.

Analytical Solutions:

q <- function(inputs) {
  g <- inputs[3]
  r <- inputs[2]
  d <- inputs[1]

s <- function(inputs) {
  g <- inputs[3]
  r <- inputs[2]
  d <- inputs[1]
  k <- inputs[5]
  v <- inputs[4]

n <- function(inputs) {
  g <- inputs[3]
  r <- inputs[2]
  d <- inputs[1]
  k <- inputs[5]
  v <- inputs[4]
  s0 <- inputs[6]
  (d - r)*(-1*(s0/(g*r)) - (d*k)/(d*g*r + d*v - r*v))

Numerical Simulations:

one <- function (t, x, params) {
  ## first extract the state variables
  N <- x[1]
  Q <- x[2]
  S <- x[3]
  ## now extract the parameters
  r <- params["r"]
  g <- params["g"]
  d <- params["d"]
  v <- params["v"]
  k <- params["k"]
  s0 <- params["s0"]
  ## now code the model equations
  dNdt <- N*(r*(1-(g/Q))-d)
  dQdt <- v*(S/(S+k))-r*(Q-g)
  dSdt <- d*(s0-S)-(N*v*(S/(S+k)))
  ## combine results into a single vector
  dxdt <- c(dNdt,dQdt,dSdt)
  ## return result as a list!
parms <- c(r=0.1, g=0.001, d=0.03, v=0.1, k=0.01, s0=1) 
times <- seq(from=0,to=1000,by=0.1)
xstart <- c(N=800,Q=1,S=1)

) %>%
  as.data.frame() -> out

out %>%
  gather(variable,value,-time) %>%

### setting up dataframe with numerical simulation

## List of parameter values
l <- list(r = 0.1, 
          g = 0.001,
          d = c(0.03, 0.035, 0.04, 0.045, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.065, 0.07, 0.075,
                0.08, 0.085, 0.09),
          v = 0.1,
          k = 0.01,
          s0 = 1)

## Matrix with 'prod(lengths(l))' rows listing combinations
## of parameter values
P <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, l))

## Wrapper around 'ode' extracting state at final time
getLast <- function(parms, y, times, func, ...) {
  X <- deSolve::ode(y, times, func, parms, ...)
  X[nrow(X), -1L]

## Matrix of final states corresponding rowwise to 'P'
X <- t(apply(P, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = getLast, 
             y = c(N = 800, Q = 1, S = 1), 
             times = seq(from = 0, to = 1000, by = 1),
             func = one))

cbind(P, X) |> as.data.frame() -> dilution
## setting up dataframe of analytical solutions

analytical <- data.frame(d = seq(0.01, 0.09, 0.005), r = rep(0.1,17), g = rep(0.001,17),
                         v = rep(0.1, 17), k = rep(0.01, 17), s0 = rep(1, 17))

analytical$qa <- apply(analytical, 1, q)
analytical$na <- apply(analytical, 1, n)
analytical$sa <- apply(analytical, 1, s)

## merge analytical and numerical simulation together

total <- merge(analytical, dilution, by = c("r", "d", "g", "k", "v", "s0"))

Then I merged them and plotted to compare the numerical simulations and analytical solutions (to ensure that they are equal). Now, I'm trying to add another resource to model one species, two resources, so one of the resources will be limiting. The equations for this are from a paper: equations and the equation that determines which resource is limiting is here: limiting resource equation

My advisor already did the simulations and solved the analytical solutions in Mathematica, I'm trying to translate it to R but I'm still kind of new to R. I'm trying to get it to look like this: mathematica notebook equations but in R. I think the equations for Q1, Q2, S1, and S2 are pretty straightforward and similar to the one species one resource that I've already done, but I'm struggling with incorporating the minimum value in the N equation. Also, would this change how I run the numerical simulation? My advisor says the numerical simulation would be easier to code so I'm wondering what makes that analytical solution for this harder to do? I appreciate any and all help!!! Thank you so much for your time.

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回忆那么伤 2025-01-18 09:54:42

我建议在实现完整模型之前首先从一些“玩具示例”开始。这里的模型具有两个物种(X1,X2)和两个限制底物(S1,S2)。底物依赖性被表述为 Monod 函数(相当于 Holling II)。另请注意底物和群体之间的单位转换因子y


model <- function (time, y, parms) {
  with(as.list(c(y, parms)), {
    f <- function(S, k) S/(k + S) # functional response

    grow1 <- r1 * min(f(S1, k11), f(S2, k12)) * X1
    grow2 <- r2 * min(f(S1, k21), f(S2, k22)) * X2

    dS1 <- -1/y11 * grow1 -1/y12 * grow2
    dS2 <- -1/y21 * grow1 -1/y22 * grow2
    dX1 <- grow1
    dX2 <- grow2

    list(c(dS1, dS2, dX1, dX2), 
         lim1 = f(S1, k11) < f(S2, k12), # indicates which resource is limiting
         lim2 = f(S1, k21) < f(S2, k22))

y0     <- c(S1 = 1, S2 = 1,         # two substrates
            X1 = 1, X2 = 1)         # two populations
parms  <- c(r1 = 0.1, r2=0.12,      # maximum growth rates
            k11 = 0.12, k12 = 0.08, # half saturation constants
            k21 = 0.08, k22 = 0.12,
            y11 = 5, y12 = 1,       # yield ratios (=unit conversion factors)
            y21 = 5, y22 = 1)

times  <- seq(0, 100)
out <- ode(y0, times, model, parms)


resource switch

对于更多物种和底物,应该考虑矢量化。一种非常紧凑的方法是 Gujer-Peterson 矩阵方法,例如在rodeo包中可用。

I would recommend to start with some "toy examples" first, before implementing the full model. Here a model with two species (X1, X2) and two limiting substrates (S1, S2). The substrate dependency is formulated as Monod function (equivalent to Holling II). Note also the unit conversion factors y between the substrates and the populations.


model <- function (time, y, parms) {
  with(as.list(c(y, parms)), {
    f <- function(S, k) S/(k + S) # functional response

    grow1 <- r1 * min(f(S1, k11), f(S2, k12)) * X1
    grow2 <- r2 * min(f(S1, k21), f(S2, k22)) * X2

    dS1 <- -1/y11 * grow1 -1/y12 * grow2
    dS2 <- -1/y21 * grow1 -1/y22 * grow2
    dX1 <- grow1
    dX2 <- grow2

    list(c(dS1, dS2, dX1, dX2), 
         lim1 = f(S1, k11) < f(S2, k12), # indicates which resource is limiting
         lim2 = f(S1, k21) < f(S2, k22))

y0     <- c(S1 = 1, S2 = 1,         # two substrates
            X1 = 1, X2 = 1)         # two populations
parms  <- c(r1 = 0.1, r2=0.12,      # maximum growth rates
            k11 = 0.12, k12 = 0.08, # half saturation constants
            k21 = 0.08, k22 = 0.12,
            y11 = 5, y12 = 1,       # yield ratios (=unit conversion factors)
            y21 = 5, y22 = 1)

times  <- seq(0, 100)
out <- ode(y0, times, model, parms)

The simulation shows how limitation of the two species switches between resources:

resource switch

For more species and substrates, one shod consider vectorization. A very compact way would be the Gujer-Peterson matrix approach, available for example in package rodeo.

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