尝试在 Python 中实现 Matlab 代码时出现问题
我在 Matlab 中有一段运行良好的代码(见下文):
clc; clear all;
f = 8500;
c0 = 343;
rho = 1.225;
omega = 2*pi*f;
k = omega/c0;
Z = -426;
lx = 0.1;
ly = 0.1;
nx = 50;
ny = nx/2;
integrand1 = @(x,y,kx) real(((exp(1i*(kx*x + sqrt(k.^2 - kx.^2).*abs(y))))./sqrt(k.^2 - kx.^2)));
integrand2 = @(x,y,kx) imag(((exp(1i*(kx*x + sqrt(k.^2 - kx.^2).*abs(y))))./sqrt(k.^2 - kx.^2)));
Gz = @(x,y) integral(@(kx)integrand1(x,y,kx), -100*k, 100*k, "AbsTol", 1e-4) + 1i*...
integral(@(kx)integrand2(x,y,kx), -100*k, 100*k, "AbsTol", 1e-4);
Test = Gz(lx,ly)
但我需要在 Python 中实现它。我尝试使用与 lambda 表达式相同的方法将函数定义为函数句柄,但不幸的是,它不起作用并且出现错误。这些是我的 Python 代码:
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f = 8500
rho = 1.225
c0 = 343
omega = 2*np.pi*f
k = omega/c0
Z = -426
Lx = 0.1
Ly = 0.1
nx = 50
ny = int(nx/2)
integrandReal = lambda kx, x, y: np.real(((2*np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z)/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z + omega*rho))*((np.exp(1j*(kx*x + np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*y)))/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2))))
integrandImag = lambda kx, x, y: np.imag(((2*np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z)/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z + omega*rho))*((np.exp(1j*(kx*x + np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*y)))/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2))))
integral = lambda x, y: integrate.quad(integrandReal, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y)) + 1j*integrate.quad(integrandImag, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y))
G = integral(Lx,Ly)
runfile(XYZ/'untitled0.py', wdir='/Users/XYZ ')
/Users/XYZ/untitled0.py:29: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
integrandReal = lambda kx, x, y: np.real(((2*np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z)/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z + omega*rho))*((np.exp(1j*(kx*x + np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*y)))/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2))))
/Users/ /untitled0.py:32: IntegrationWarning: The occurrence of roundoff error is detected, which prevents
the requested tolerance from being achieved. The error may be
integral = lambda x, y: integrate.quad(integrandReal, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y)) + 1j*integrate.quad(integrandImag, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y))
/Users/XYZ/untitled0.py:30: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
integrandImag = lambda kx, x, y: np.imag(((2*np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z)/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z + omega*rho))*((np.exp(1j*(kx*x + np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*y)))/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2))))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/XYZ/untitled0.py", line 34, in <module>
G = integral(0.1,0.1)
File "/Users/XYZ/untitled0.py", line 32, in <lambda>
integral = lambda x, y: integrate.quad(integrandReal, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y)) + 1j*integrate.quad(integrandImag, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y))
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'complex'
非常欢迎任何帮助。 先感谢您!
I have a piece of code in Matlab (see below) that works well:
clc; clear all;
f = 8500;
c0 = 343;
rho = 1.225;
omega = 2*pi*f;
k = omega/c0;
Z = -426;
lx = 0.1;
ly = 0.1;
nx = 50;
ny = nx/2;
integrand1 = @(x,y,kx) real(((exp(1i*(kx*x + sqrt(k.^2 - kx.^2).*abs(y))))./sqrt(k.^2 - kx.^2)));
integrand2 = @(x,y,kx) imag(((exp(1i*(kx*x + sqrt(k.^2 - kx.^2).*abs(y))))./sqrt(k.^2 - kx.^2)));
Gz = @(x,y) integral(@(kx)integrand1(x,y,kx), -100*k, 100*k, "AbsTol", 1e-4) + 1i*...
integral(@(kx)integrand2(x,y,kx), -100*k, 100*k, "AbsTol", 1e-4);
Test = Gz(lx,ly)
But I need to implement it in Python. I tried to use the same approach with lambda expressions to define my functions as functions handle, but unfortunately, it's not working and I am getting errors. These is my Python code:
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f = 8500
rho = 1.225
c0 = 343
omega = 2*np.pi*f
k = omega/c0
Z = -426
Lx = 0.1
Ly = 0.1
nx = 50
ny = int(nx/2)
integrandReal = lambda kx, x, y: np.real(((2*np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z)/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z + omega*rho))*((np.exp(1j*(kx*x + np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*y)))/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2))))
integrandImag = lambda kx, x, y: np.imag(((2*np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z)/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z + omega*rho))*((np.exp(1j*(kx*x + np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*y)))/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2))))
integral = lambda x, y: integrate.quad(integrandReal, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y)) + 1j*integrate.quad(integrandImag, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y))
G = integral(Lx,Ly)
These are the errors:
runfile(XYZ/'untitled0.py', wdir='/Users/XYZ ')
/Users/XYZ/untitled0.py:29: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
integrandReal = lambda kx, x, y: np.real(((2*np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z)/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z + omega*rho))*((np.exp(1j*(kx*x + np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*y)))/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2))))
/Users/ /untitled0.py:32: IntegrationWarning: The occurrence of roundoff error is detected, which prevents
the requested tolerance from being achieved. The error may be
integral = lambda x, y: integrate.quad(integrandReal, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y)) + 1j*integrate.quad(integrandImag, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y))
/Users/XYZ/untitled0.py:30: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
integrandImag = lambda kx, x, y: np.imag(((2*np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z)/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*Z + omega*rho))*((np.exp(1j*(kx*x + np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2)*y)))/(np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2))))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/XYZ/untitled0.py", line 34, in <module>
G = integral(0.1,0.1)
File "/Users/XYZ/untitled0.py", line 32, in <lambda>
integral = lambda x, y: integrate.quad(integrandReal, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y)) + 1j*integrate.quad(integrandImag, -100*k, 100*k, args=(x,y))
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'complex'
Any help is more than welcomed.
Thank you in advance!
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scipy.integrate.quad 返回一个元组,不是数字,因此您应该选择其中的第一个返回值,即数值结果。
并且使用 np.sqrt 将在负输入上返回 nan ,您应该使用 numpy.lib.scimath.sqrt 因为它可以处理负输入并返回复数,如下所示。
scipy.integrate.quad returns a tuple, not a number, so you should select the first return from it which is the numerical result.
and using np.sqrt will return nan on negative input, you should instead use numpy.lib.scimath.sqrt as it can handle negative inputs and return complex numbers as shown below.