如果有更多更新可用,使用 clientVersionStalenessDays() 时会发生什么?
我正在考虑支持应用程序更新,并希望使用谷歌核心库来处理这个问题。在执行此操作时,出现了有关 clientVersionStalenessDays() 函数的问题。 (https://developer .android.com/reference/com/google/android/play/core/appupdate/AppUpdateInfo.html#clientVersionStalenessDays())
假设用户正在运行应用程序的版本 1,然后我创建版本 2 的新更新随后发布到 Play 商店。 2 天后,我希望该函数在用户设备上返回 2。如果新版本 3 在第 5 天发布,并且再次运行相同的函数,由于同一天发布了新版本,它会返回 5 还是 0?
相关于: 内部应用更新:clientVersionStalenessDays() 在以下情况下返回 null使用内部应用共享进行测试
I'm looking into supporting in app updates, and wanted to use the google core library for handling this. While doing this a question came up regarding the clientVersionStalenessDays() function. (https://developer.android.com/reference/com/google/android/play/core/appupdate/AppUpdateInfo.html#clientVersionStalenessDays())
Say a user is running version 1 of an app, then i create a new update with version 2 which then is published to the play store. After 2 days i would expect the function to return 2 on the user device. If a new version 3 then was published on day 5 and the same function was run again would it return 5 or 0 since a new version was released the same day?
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方法返回用户设备上的 Google Play 商店应用获悉可用更新的天数。由于版本 2 是 PlayStore 已知的更新,因此该方法将返回自版本 2 可用以来的天数。The method
returns the number of days that the Google Play Store app on the user's device has known about an available update. Since version 2 is an update that the PlayStore knows about, the method would return the number of days since version 2 is available.