如何使用父 Button 的属性让 CommandParameter 对 ContextMenu 中的 MenuItem 起作用?
结果 我弄清楚自己发生了什么事。我有一些奇怪的组合,所以这对其他人可能有用也可能没用。
我将继续在答案条目中记录解决方案。我的解决方案涉及少量的隐藏代码。我一般不喜欢代码隐藏。它仅与视图相关,因此不会破坏 MVVM。如果有人给我一个不太遥远的纯 XAML 解决方案,我会很乐意将其用作可接受的答案。
问题 我有一个 WPF 应用程序 (.NET6),它有一个表示离散对象的图像网格。我希望每个都有相同的上下文菜单。每个对象都需要发送一个唯一的CommandParameter
为了给自己提供一种添加标识符的方法,我对 Button 进行了子类化,如下所示:
public class PartButton : Button
public int PartPosition { get; set; }
我知道有关上下文菜单不在可视化树中的问题,因此没有从以下位置继承 DataContext
)。诀窍通常是使用 PlacementTarget
获取父级,并使用其 DataContext
左键单击和右键单击同样有效也是一个目标。为此,我使用 RoatedEvent
进行 Click
并使用 Storyboard
将 ContextMenu.IsOpen
设置为true。如果您对 XAML 更有经验,您可能已经发现了该问题。
因为有 30 个按钮,所以最终目标是通过样式添加菜单,以便可以使用尽可能少的代码来声明按钮。为了让一个按钮正常工作,我尝试了这样的操作
Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2"
IsEnabled="{ Binding Path=PartStatuses[1] }"
<Image Source="../Resources/Part.png" />
<ContextMenu DataContext="{Binding Path=PlacementTarget, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}">
<MenuItem Header="Test Part"
CommandParameter="{Binding Path=PartPosition}"
Command="{Binding Source={StaticResource Proxy}, Path=Data.TestPartCmd}"
: -点击。但是,当使用上面的 RoatedEvent
技巧时,左键单击会导致 PlacementTarget
始终为 null
I figured out what was going on for myself. I had kind of a weird combination of things, so this may or may not be useful to someone else.
I'll go ahead and document the solution in an answer entry. My solution involves a small amount of code-behind. I'm not generally a fan of code-behind. It's only view-related, so doesn't break MVVM, though. If someone gives me a XAML-only solution that isn't too far out, I'll gladly use that as the accepted answer.
I have a WPF app (.NET6) that has a grid of images that represent discreet objects. I want each to have an identical context menu. Each one needs to send a unique CommandParameter
so that the view-model can identify which object to operate on.
In order to give myself a way to add the identifier, I subclassed Button like this:
public class PartButton : Button
public int PartPosition { get; set; }
I'm aware of the issue regarding a context menu not being in the visual tree, and thus not inheriting the DataContext
from the top level control (UserControl
in this case). The trick is usually just to use PlacementTarget
to get the parent, and use its DataContext
It was also a goal to have a left-click work as well as a right-click. To do that, I used a RoutedEvent
for Click
and used a Storyboard
to set ContextMenu.IsOpen
to true
on the button. If you're more experienced with XAML, you might already see the problem.
Because there are 30 buttons, the ultimate goal was to add the menu through a style so that the button could be declared using as little code as possible.. Just to get one working, I tried it like this:
Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2"
IsEnabled="{ Binding Path=PartStatuses[1] }"
<Image Source="../Resources/Part.png" />
<ContextMenu DataContext="{Binding Path=PlacementTarget, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}">
<MenuItem Header="Test Part"
CommandParameter="{Binding Path=PartPosition}"
Command="{Binding Source={StaticResource Proxy}, Path=Data.TestPartCmd}"
That works fine for a right-click. However, when using the RoutedEvent
trick above, left-click results in PlacementTarget
always being null
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and ViewModel like this
There may be a better way, but I haven't thought of it yet。
在实际项目中,我还声明了对象上按钮的图像,因为我正在努力通过样式来完成该操作。图像取决于必须在视图模型中解析的索引 (
)。使用必须从对象查询的值来使用样式从视图模型获取属性是很困难的。不过,不同的问题,以及我以后可能会或可能不会担心的事情。As promised, here is my current solution:
To work, it needs this code-behind:
As it sits, this is now fully implemented as a style so that all that's really needed for each button is something like this:
In the real project, I also declare the image for the button at the object because I was struggling with getting that done via a style. The image depends on an index (
) that has to be resolved in the view-model. It's hard to use a style to get a property from the view-model using a value that has to be queried from the object. Different problem, though, and something I may or may not worry about later.