Android 12 中通话或使用相机时有没有办法关闭绿灯?
随着 Android 12 的更新,出于安全原因,在使用相机或拨打电话时会出现绿色图标和指示灯。 Android 12 中通话或使用相机时有没有办法关闭绿灯?
With the update to Android 12, a green icon and light appear when using the camera or making a call for security reasons.
Is there a way to turn off the green light when calling or using the camera in Android 12?
please help me
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adb shell cmd device_config 将隐私camera_mic_icons_enabled false 默认
LADB 实用程序。只有他们会帮忙。而且仅限一天。然后再次在开发者选项中输入最上面两行。
adb shell cmd device_config put privacy camera_mic_icons_enabled false default
LADB Utilities. Only they will help. And only for a day. Then again enter the top two lines in the developer options.
注意:您不需要完整的 Android SDK 或 Android Studio。有关更多信息,请参阅 ADB
adbpair ipaddress:portnumber
,输入手机上显示的配对密钥adb connect ipaddress:portnumber
cmd device_config putprivacycamera_mic_icons_enabled false default
,然后使用cmd -s ipaddress device_config 将隐私camera_mic_icons_enabled false 默认值
cmd device_config putprivacycamera_mic_icons_enabled truedefault
PS:我目前正在努力成功地使用 Tasker 来实现此目的。成功后我会更新
This feature was introduced for security (privacy) reasons. Rightly so. It should not be 'tampered' with.
However, if there's a need to disable it for a compelling reason, then below is a possibility.
The summary steps are:
NB: You do not need the full Android SDK or Android Studio. See more on ADB
developer option
on the Android phoneadb pair ipaddress:portnumber
, enter pair key displayed on phoneadb connect ipaddress:portnumber
cmd device_config put privacy camera_mic_icons_enabled false default
more than one devices connected
, then usecmd -s ipaddress device_config put privacy camera_mic_icons_enabled false default
NB: To enable again,
cmd device_config put privacy camera_mic_icons_enabled true default
For a lasting solution, kindly make use of the above within a Task; one can use Tasker
PS: I'm currently struggling using Tasker successfully for this. I'll update when successful
不,没有选择,正如您所注意到的:这是安全原因。如果任何开发人员可以做到这一点(禁用此警告)那么为什么 Android 会引入这样的功能...每个具有“不友好”意图的开发人员都会在恶意软件的第一行中这样做...
no, there is no option, as you've noticed: its security reason. if any developer could do that (disable this warning) then why Android would introduce such feature... every developer with "not-friendly" intentions would do that in first lines of malicious software...
If it is a system app:
顺便说一句,我分享我在 android 14 中使用的内容。
I have used the following commands and it worked perfectly until new update in Xiaomi hyper OS. Does anyone could help with Xiaomi hyper OS permission?
Btw I share what I use in android 14.