如何在 Kendo UI 网格中创建包含字段聚合的新行
我有一个剑道网格,它返回数据,其中一列的总和 = 13,并将其存储起来,以便我可以将网格的标题更改为: “结果:13”
我已经在该范围之外声明了一个变量来保存该总和。 然后我想......迭代它,将数据存储在该变量中并 之后,调用一个函数来更新标题标题?
我无法使用 headerGroup 或 footerDetail 模板,因为我需要将数据放在顶部,而 headerGroup 在网格内添加不必要的信息。
I have a grid, I am trying to trying to create a header, that takes up the entire row and just says "SUM : 13"
I have a kendo Grid, that returns data, the sum of one of these columns is = 13, and store it so I can change a grid's title to:
"Results: 13"
How can I do this?
I have declared a variable outside of that scope to hold that sum.
I want to then... iterate through this, storing the data in that variable and
afterwards, call a function to update the header title?
I cannot use headerGroup or footerDetail templates, as i need the data to be on the top, and headerGroup adds unnecessary information inside the grid.
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