如何阅读“.owl”来自天蓝色的 blob 存储
我必须将我的项目转移到 databricks。我的项目要求我读取“.owl”扩展名的本体文件。我正在使用 owlready2 包来读取 .owl 文件。
但我无法从 blob 存储 读取 owl 文件。
- 使用
request.get("azure file url")
但这会引发错误 - “指定的资源不存在”。 - owlready2.get_ontology("azure file url") 但这失败并显示错误 - “HTTP 错误 404:指定的资源不存在。PS
寻找从 blob 存储中读取 owl 文件的方法。
I have to transfer my project to databricks. My project requires me to read ontology files of ".owl" extension. I am using owlready2 package for reading .owl files.
But I am unable to read the owl file from blob storage.
I have tried
- using
request.get("azure file url")
but this to throws error saying - "The specified resource does not exist". - owlready2.get_ontology("azure file url") but this fails with error saying - "HTTP Error 404: The specified resource does not exist.
PS : I am taking the "azure file url" from below :
Looking to find away to read owl files from blob storage.
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您收到此错误的原因是因为您尝试读取的 blob 位于“私有”blob 容器中(即不允许公共读取访问)。
为您尝试以至少“读取”权限读取的 blob 创建共享访问签名 (SAS),并在代码中使用 SAS URL。要创建 SAS,请单击屏幕截图中显示的“生成 SAS”按钮。
要了解有关容器 ACL 的更多信息,请参阅此链接: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-container-acl。
The reason you are getting this error is because the blob you are trying to read is in a "private" blob container (i.e. public read access is not allowed).
Create a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for the blob you're trying to read with at least "Read" permission and use the SAS URL in your code. To create a SAS, click on "Generate SAS" button shown in your screenshot.
To learn more about container ACL, please see this link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-container-acl.
To learn more about Shared Access Signature, please see this link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/delegate-access-with-shared-access-signature.