当我开始在 Flutter 中拖动 Widget 时如何显示 Icon
我想知道当我开始在 LongPressDraggable 小部件中拖动容器时,如何在屏幕底部显示删除图标
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () => _onTap(context),
child: LongPressDraggable(
data: index,
maxSimultaneousDrags: 1,
onDragUpdate: (details) => print('update'),
onDragStarted: () => _buildDragTarget(),
onDragEnd: (_) => print('end'),
feedback: Material(
child: Container(
height: Sizes.height / 4.5,
width: Sizes.height / 4.5,
child: _DraggableContent(
index: index,
place: place,
childWhenDragging: Container(color: Colors.transparent),
child: _DraggableContent(
index: index,
place: place,
Widget _buildDragTarget() {
return DragTarget<int>(
builder: (BuildContext context, List<int> data, List<dynamic> rejects) {
return Icon(Icons.delete);
onAcceptWithDetails: (DragTargetDetails<int> dragTargetDetails) {
print('Data: ${dragTargetDetails.data}');
print('Offset: ${dragTargetDetails.offset}');
I want to know how can I show at the bottom of the screen a delete icon when I start dragging a Container in LongPressDraggable widget
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () => _onTap(context),
child: LongPressDraggable(
data: index,
maxSimultaneousDrags: 1,
onDragUpdate: (details) => print('update'),
onDragStarted: () => _buildDragTarget(),
onDragEnd: (_) => print('end'),
feedback: Material(
child: Container(
height: Sizes.height / 4.5,
width: Sizes.height / 4.5,
child: _DraggableContent(
index: index,
place: place,
childWhenDragging: Container(color: Colors.transparent),
child: _DraggableContent(
index: index,
place: place,
Widget _buildDragTarget() {
return DragTarget<int>(
builder: (BuildContext context, List<int> data, List<dynamic> rejects) {
return Icon(Icons.delete);
onAcceptWithDetails: (DragTargetDetails<int> dragTargetDetails) {
print('Data: ${dragTargetDetails.data}');
print('Offset: ${dragTargetDetails.offset}');
At the moment, when I start dragging the item, anything happens and I don't know how to continue
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您在这里有一个可拖动小部件的示例: https://blog.logrocket.com/drag-and-drop-ui-elements-in-flutter-with-draggable-and-dragtarget/
您需要在 DragTarget 小部件上使用 onAccept 事件:
在 Drag 开始时,您可以显示您的使用此事件删除图标 (https://blog.logrocket.com/drag-and-drop-ui-elements-in-flutter-with-draggable-and-dragtarget/#:~:text=Listening%20to%20drag%20events) :
You have an example with Dragable widget here : https://blog.logrocket.com/drag-and-drop-ui-elements-in-flutter-with-draggable-and-dragtarget/
On the DROPPING AN ITEM part https://blog.logrocket.com/drag-and-drop-ui-elements-in-flutter-with-draggable-and-dragtarget/#:~:text=the%20tomato%20image.-,Dropping%20an%20item,-At%20this%20point
You need to use the onAccept event on your DragTarget widget :
And on Drag starting, you can show up your delete icon by using this event (https://blog.logrocket.com/drag-and-drop-ui-elements-in-flutter-with-draggable-and-dragtarget/#:~:text=Listening%20to%20drag%20events) :
I hope it will help you
您可以使用 Visibility 小部件包裹删除图标,并根据拖动活动设置可见参数 true 或 false。
As far as I understood you need to show the delete icon on bottom when you are dragging an object.
You can wrap the delete icon with Visibility widget and set the visible parameter true or false based on the drag activity.
It will go something like this:
我找到了解决方案。它可以创建一个 BlocProvider 并与状态一起工作。
I found the solution. It works creating a BlocProvider and working with the state.