
发布于 2025-01-10 10:03:31 字数 13985 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我正在使用 iOS,我正在尝试使用库react-native-brother-printers 打印图像或文件,此示例 https://github.com/Avery246813579/react-native-brother-printers/tree/master/example

我有 PT-P950NW 型号(热敏打印机)。



export default class App extends Component {
  state = {
    printer: "PT-P950NW",
    ip: "",

 render() {
    const {printer, ip} = this.state;

    return (
      <ScrollView style={{flex: 1}}>
        <ViewShot ref={(e) => {
          this.viewShot = e;
        }} options={{format: "jpg", quality: 0.9}}>

          <Text style={{fontSize: 24}}>
           // printer test

        <View style={styles.container}>
            Test Connection

          <Button title="Discover Readers" onPress={() => {
            discoverPrinters().then(() => {
              console.log("Discover Readers Successful");
            }).catch(() => {
              console.log("Discover Readers failed")

          {printer && (
            <Button title="Print from Memory" onPress={() => {
              this.viewShot.capture().then(uri => {
                console.log("do something with ", './icon.png');

                ipAddress: "",
                modelName: "PT-P950NW"
                }, uri, {autoCut: false}).then(() => {
                  console.log("Discover Memory Successful");
                }).catch((err) => {
                  console.log("Discover Memory failed");

          <Button title="Print from Manual" onPress={() => {
            this.viewShot.capture().then(uri => {
              console.log("do something with ", uri);

                ipAddress: "",
                modelName: "PT-P950NW"
                }, uri, {autoCut: false}).then(() => {
                console.log("Discover Manual Successful");
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log("Discover Manual failed")

          <TextInput placeholder="Ip Address" value={ip} onChangeText={(ip) => this.setState({ip})}/>

          <Button title="Test Printer" onPress={() => {
            pingPrinter(ip).then(() => {
               //}).then(() => {
            // alert("We found the printer");
              console.log("We found the printer");
        console.log("Printer accessed");
            })catch((err) => {
              console.log("Printer could not be accessed");

              console.log("Printer is dead", err);


// main index.js

import {NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter} from "react-native";

const {ReactNativeBrotherPrinters} = NativeModules;

const {
  discoverPrinters: _discoverPrinters,
  pingPrinter: _pingPrinter,
  printImage: _printImage,
  printPDF: _printPDF,
} = ReactNativeBrotherPrinters;

 * Starts the discovery process for brother printers
 * @param params
 * @param params.V6             If we should searching using IP v6.
 * @param params.printerName    If we should name the printer something specific.
 * @return {Promise<void>}
export async function discoverPrinters(params = {}) {
  return _discoverPrinters(params);

 * Checks if a reader is discoverable
 * @param ip
 * @return {Promise<void>}
export async function pingPrinter(ip) {
  return _pingPrinter(ip);

 * Prints an image
 * @param device                  Device object
 * @param uri                     URI of image wanting to be printed
 * @param params
 * @param params.autoCut          Boolean if the printer should auto cut the receipt/label
 * @return {Promise<*>}
export async function printImage(device, uri, params = {}) {
  return _printImage(device, uri, params);

// export async function printPDF(device, uri, params = {}) {
//   return _printPDF(device, uri, params);
// }

const listeners = new NativeEventEmitter(ReactNativeBrotherPrinters);

export function registerBrotherListener(key, method) {
  return listeners.addListener(key, method);

中的代码,这是Objective-c 中ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m 文件中的代码。

// ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m

#import "ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.h"
#import <React/RCTConvert.h>

@implementation ReactNativeBrotherPrinters


- (dispatch_queue_t)methodQueue
    return dispatch_get_main_queue();


-(void)startObserving {
    hasListeners = YES;

-(void)stopObserving {
    hasListeners = NO;

- (NSArray<NSString *> *)supportedEvents {
    return @[


RCT_REMAP_METHOD(discoverPrinters, discoverOptions:(NSDictionary *)options resolver:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve rejecter:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject)
    NSLog(@"Called the function");

    _brotherDeviceList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];

    _networkManager = [[BRPtouchNetworkManager alloc] init];
    _networkManager.delegate = self;

    NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"PrinterList" ofType:@"plist"];

    if (path) {
        NSDictionary *printerDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:path];
        NSArray *printerList = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:printerDict.allKeys];

        [_networkManager setPrinterNames:printerList];
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Could not find PrinterList.plist");

    //    Start printer search
    int response = [_networkManager startSearch: 5.0];

    if (response == RET_TRUE) {
    } else {
        reject(DISCOVER_READERS_ERROR, @"A problem occured when trying to execute discoverPrinters", Nil);

RCT_REMAP_METHOD(pingPrinter, printerAddress:(NSString *)ip resolver:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve rejecter:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject)
    BRLMChannel *channel = [[BRLMChannel alloc] initWithWifiIPAddress:ip];

    BRLMPrinterDriverGenerateResult *driverGenerateResult = [BRLMPrinterDriverGenerator openChannel:channel];
    if (driverGenerateResult.error.code != BRLMOpenChannelErrorCodeNoError ||
        driverGenerateResult.driver == nil) {
        NSLog(@"%@", @(driverGenerateResult.error.code));
        return reject(DISCOVER_READER_ERROR, @"A problem occured when trying to execute discoverPrinters", Nil);

    NSLog(@"We were able to discover a printer");

RCT_REMAP_METHOD(printImage, deviceInfo:(NSDictionary *)device printerUri: (NSString *)imageStr printImageOptions:(NSDictionary *)options resolver:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve rejecter:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject)
    NSLog(@"Called the printImage function");
    BRPtouchDeviceInfo *deviceInfo = [self deserializeDeviceInfo:device];

    BRLMChannel *channel = [[BRLMChannel alloc] initWithWifiIPAddress:deviceInfo.strIPAddress];

    BRLMPrinterDriverGenerateResult *driverGenerateResult = [BRLMPrinterDriverGenerator openChannel:channel];
    if (driverGenerateResult.error.code != BRLMOpenChannelErrorCodeNoError ||
        driverGenerateResult.driver == nil) {
        NSLog(@"%@", @(driverGenerateResult.error.code));

    NSString * paperSize = [self defaultPaperSize:deviceInfo.strModelName];
    NSLog(@"Paper Size: %@", paperSize);

    BRLMPrinterDriver *printerDriver = driverGenerateResult.driver;

    BRLMPrinterModel model = [BRLMPrinterClassifier transferEnumFromString:deviceInfo.strModelName];
    // BRLMQLPrintSettings *qlSettings = [[BRLMQLPrintSettings alloc] initDefaultPrintSettingsWithPrinterModel:model];
    BRLMPTPrintSettings *ptSettings = [[BRLMPTPrintSettings alloc] initDefaultPrintSettingsWithPrinterModel:model];

    // BRLMPTPrintSettings *ptSettings = [[BRLMPTPrintSettings alloc] initDefaultPrintSettingsWithPrinterModel:BRLMPrinterModelPT_P950NW];

    ptSettings.autoCut = true;
    NSLog(@"Cut Options %@", options[@"autoCut"]);
    if (options[@"autoCut"]) {
        ptSettings.autoCut = [options[@"autoCut"] boolValue];

      NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:imageStr];

    BRLMPrintError *printError = [printerDriver printImageWithURL:url settings:ptSettings];
    if (printError.code != BRLMPrintErrorCodeNoError) {
         NSLog(@"Error - Print Image: %@", printError); 
         // NSLog(@"Error - Print Image: %@", @(printError.code)); 
        NSError* error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.react-native-brother-printers.rn" code:1 userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:printError.description forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey]];

        reject(PRINT_ERROR, @"There was an error trying to print the image", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Success - Print Image");

    [printerDriver closeChannel];


    //  get BRPtouchNetworkInfo Class list
    [_brotherDeviceList removeAllObjects];
    _brotherDeviceList = (NSMutableArray*)[_networkManager getPrinterNetInfo];

    NSLog(@"_brotherDeviceList [%@]",_brotherDeviceList);

    NSMutableArray *_serializedArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:_brotherDeviceList.count];

    for (BRPtouchDeviceInfo *deviceInfo in _brotherDeviceList) {
        [_serializedArray addObject:[self serializeDeviceInfo:deviceInfo]];

        NSLog(@"Model: %@, IP Address: %@", deviceInfo.strModelName, deviceInfo.strIPAddress);
        // NSLog(@"IP Address: %@",deviceInfo.strIPAddress);


    [self sendEventWithName:@"onDiscoverPrinters" body:_serializedArray];


- (NSString *)defaultPaperSize: (NSString *) printer
    NSString *result = nil;

    NSString *pathInPrintSettings   = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"PrinterList" ofType:@"plist"];
    if (pathInPrintSettings) {
        NSDictionary *priterListArray = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:pathInPrintSettings];
        if (priterListArray) {
            result = [[[priterListArray objectForKey:printer] objectForKey:@"PaperSize"] objectAtIndex:0];
    return result;

- (NSDictionary *) serializeDeviceInfo:(BRPtouchDeviceInfo *)device {
    return @{
        @"ipAddress": device.strIPAddress,
        @"location": device.strLocation,
        @"modelName": device.strModelName,
        @"printerName": device.strPrinterName,
        @"serialNumber": device.strSerialNumber,
        @"nodeName": device.strNodeName,
        @"macAddress": device.strMACAddress,

- (BRPtouchDeviceInfo *) deserializeDeviceInfo:(NSDictionary *)device {
    BRPtouchDeviceInfo *deviceInfo = [[BRPtouchDeviceInfo alloc] init];

//    return @{
//        @"ipAddress": device.strIPAddress,
//        @"location": device.strLocation,
//        @"modelName": device.strModelName,
//        @"printerName": device.strPrinterName,
//        @"serialNumber": device.strSerialNumber,
//        @"nodeName": device.strNodeName,
//        @"macAddress": device.strMACAddress,
//    };
    deviceInfo.strIPAddress = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"ipAddress"]];
    deviceInfo.strLocation = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"location"]];
    deviceInfo.strModelName = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"modelName"]];
    deviceInfo.strPrinterName = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"printerName"]];
    deviceInfo.strSerialNumber = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"serialNumber"]];
    deviceInfo.strNodeName = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"nodeName"]];
    deviceInfo.strMACAddress = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"macAddress"]];

    NSLog(@"We got here");

    return deviceInfo;


如果使用 pingPrinter 函数并且输入我得到的打印机的 IP: 发现读者成功 LOG 我们找到了这些监听器 [{"ipAddress": "", "location": "", "macAddress": "00:80:77:57:83:df", "modelName": "Brother PT- P950NW", "节点名称": "BRN0080775783DF", "打印机名称": "兄弟PT-P950NW", "serialNumber": "E6Z987778"}]

但是如果使用 PrintImage 函数我得到:尝试打印图像时出错, 此错误位于 Objective-c 文件 ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m (https://github.com/Avery246813579/react-native-brother-printers/blob/master/ios/ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m) 在这种情况下:

if (printError.code != BRLMPrintErrorCodeNoError) {
     NSLog(@"Error - Print Image: %@", printError); 
    NSError* error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.react-native-brother-printers.rn" code:1 userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:printError.description forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey]];

    reject(PRINT_ERROR, @"There was an error trying to print the image", error);
} else {
    NSLog(@"Success - Print Image");


NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"./Resources/icon" withExtension:@"png"];


错误 - 打印图像:setLabelSizeError


ptSettings.labelSize = BRLMMW打印设置纸张尺寸A7;

我还收到另一条错误消息: 错误 - 打印图像:FilePathURLError


NSLog(@"Error - 打印图像: %@", printError);



I am using iOS and I am trying to print an image or a file with the library react-native-brother-printers with this example https://github.com/Avery246813579/react-native-brother-printers/tree/master/example

I have the PT-P950NW model (thermal printer).

Does any one do that or have any idea to do that ?

This is my code in app.js

export default class App extends Component {
  state = {
    printer: "PT-P950NW",
    ip: "",

 render() {
    const {printer, ip} = this.state;

    return (
      <ScrollView style={{flex: 1}}>
        <ViewShot ref={(e) => {
          this.viewShot = e;
        }} options={{format: "jpg", quality: 0.9}}>

          <Text style={{fontSize: 24}}>
           // printer test

        <View style={styles.container}>
            Test Connection

          <Button title="Discover Readers" onPress={() => {
            discoverPrinters().then(() => {
              console.log("Discover Readers Successful");
            }).catch(() => {
              console.log("Discover Readers failed")

          {printer && (
            <Button title="Print from Memory" onPress={() => {
              this.viewShot.capture().then(uri => {
                console.log("do something with ", './icon.png');

                ipAddress: "",
                modelName: "PT-P950NW"
                }, uri, {autoCut: false}).then(() => {
                  console.log("Discover Memory Successful");
                }).catch((err) => {
                  console.log("Discover Memory failed");

          <Button title="Print from Manual" onPress={() => {
            this.viewShot.capture().then(uri => {
              console.log("do something with ", uri);

                ipAddress: "",
                modelName: "PT-P950NW"
                }, uri, {autoCut: false}).then(() => {
                console.log("Discover Manual Successful");
              }).catch((err) => {
                console.log("Discover Manual failed")

          <TextInput placeholder="Ip Address" value={ip} onChangeText={(ip) => this.setState({ip})}/>

          <Button title="Test Printer" onPress={() => {
            pingPrinter(ip).then(() => {
               //}).then(() => {
            // alert("We found the printer");
              console.log("We found the printer");
        console.log("Printer accessed");
            })catch((err) => {
              console.log("Printer could not be accessed");

              console.log("Printer is dead", err);

and the index.js of the library

// main index.js

import {NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter} from "react-native";

const {ReactNativeBrotherPrinters} = NativeModules;

const {
  discoverPrinters: _discoverPrinters,
  pingPrinter: _pingPrinter,
  printImage: _printImage,
  printPDF: _printPDF,
} = ReactNativeBrotherPrinters;

 * Starts the discovery process for brother printers
 * @param params
 * @param params.V6             If we should searching using IP v6.
 * @param params.printerName    If we should name the printer something specific.
 * @return {Promise<void>}
export async function discoverPrinters(params = {}) {
  return _discoverPrinters(params);

 * Checks if a reader is discoverable
 * @param ip
 * @return {Promise<void>}
export async function pingPrinter(ip) {
  return _pingPrinter(ip);

 * Prints an image
 * @param device                  Device object
 * @param uri                     URI of image wanting to be printed
 * @param params
 * @param params.autoCut          Boolean if the printer should auto cut the receipt/label
 * @return {Promise<*>}
export async function printImage(device, uri, params = {}) {
  return _printImage(device, uri, params);

// export async function printPDF(device, uri, params = {}) {
//   return _printPDF(device, uri, params);
// }

const listeners = new NativeEventEmitter(ReactNativeBrotherPrinters);

export function registerBrotherListener(key, method) {
  return listeners.addListener(key, method);

and this is the code in ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m file in Objective-c.

// ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m

#import "ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.h"
#import <React/RCTConvert.h>

@implementation ReactNativeBrotherPrinters


- (dispatch_queue_t)methodQueue
    return dispatch_get_main_queue();


-(void)startObserving {
    hasListeners = YES;

-(void)stopObserving {
    hasListeners = NO;

- (NSArray<NSString *> *)supportedEvents {
    return @[


RCT_REMAP_METHOD(discoverPrinters, discoverOptions:(NSDictionary *)options resolver:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve rejecter:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject)
    NSLog(@"Called the function");

    _brotherDeviceList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];

    _networkManager = [[BRPtouchNetworkManager alloc] init];
    _networkManager.delegate = self;

    NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"PrinterList" ofType:@"plist"];

    if (path) {
        NSDictionary *printerDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:path];
        NSArray *printerList = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:printerDict.allKeys];

        [_networkManager setPrinterNames:printerList];
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Could not find PrinterList.plist");

    //    Start printer search
    int response = [_networkManager startSearch: 5.0];

    if (response == RET_TRUE) {
    } else {
        reject(DISCOVER_READERS_ERROR, @"A problem occured when trying to execute discoverPrinters", Nil);

RCT_REMAP_METHOD(pingPrinter, printerAddress:(NSString *)ip resolver:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve rejecter:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject)
    BRLMChannel *channel = [[BRLMChannel alloc] initWithWifiIPAddress:ip];

    BRLMPrinterDriverGenerateResult *driverGenerateResult = [BRLMPrinterDriverGenerator openChannel:channel];
    if (driverGenerateResult.error.code != BRLMOpenChannelErrorCodeNoError ||
        driverGenerateResult.driver == nil) {
        NSLog(@"%@", @(driverGenerateResult.error.code));
        return reject(DISCOVER_READER_ERROR, @"A problem occured when trying to execute discoverPrinters", Nil);

    NSLog(@"We were able to discover a printer");

RCT_REMAP_METHOD(printImage, deviceInfo:(NSDictionary *)device printerUri: (NSString *)imageStr printImageOptions:(NSDictionary *)options resolver:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve rejecter:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject)
    NSLog(@"Called the printImage function");
    BRPtouchDeviceInfo *deviceInfo = [self deserializeDeviceInfo:device];

    BRLMChannel *channel = [[BRLMChannel alloc] initWithWifiIPAddress:deviceInfo.strIPAddress];

    BRLMPrinterDriverGenerateResult *driverGenerateResult = [BRLMPrinterDriverGenerator openChannel:channel];
    if (driverGenerateResult.error.code != BRLMOpenChannelErrorCodeNoError ||
        driverGenerateResult.driver == nil) {
        NSLog(@"%@", @(driverGenerateResult.error.code));

    NSString * paperSize = [self defaultPaperSize:deviceInfo.strModelName];
    NSLog(@"Paper Size: %@", paperSize);

    BRLMPrinterDriver *printerDriver = driverGenerateResult.driver;

    BRLMPrinterModel model = [BRLMPrinterClassifier transferEnumFromString:deviceInfo.strModelName];
    // BRLMQLPrintSettings *qlSettings = [[BRLMQLPrintSettings alloc] initDefaultPrintSettingsWithPrinterModel:model];
    BRLMPTPrintSettings *ptSettings = [[BRLMPTPrintSettings alloc] initDefaultPrintSettingsWithPrinterModel:model];

    // BRLMPTPrintSettings *ptSettings = [[BRLMPTPrintSettings alloc] initDefaultPrintSettingsWithPrinterModel:BRLMPrinterModelPT_P950NW];

    ptSettings.autoCut = true;
    NSLog(@"Cut Options %@", options[@"autoCut"]);
    if (options[@"autoCut"]) {
        ptSettings.autoCut = [options[@"autoCut"] boolValue];

      NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:imageStr];

    BRLMPrintError *printError = [printerDriver printImageWithURL:url settings:ptSettings];
    if (printError.code != BRLMPrintErrorCodeNoError) {
         NSLog(@"Error - Print Image: %@", printError); 
         // NSLog(@"Error - Print Image: %@", @(printError.code)); 
        NSError* error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.react-native-brother-printers.rn" code:1 userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:printError.description forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey]];

        reject(PRINT_ERROR, @"There was an error trying to print the image", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Success - Print Image");

    [printerDriver closeChannel];


    //  get BRPtouchNetworkInfo Class list
    [_brotherDeviceList removeAllObjects];
    _brotherDeviceList = (NSMutableArray*)[_networkManager getPrinterNetInfo];

    NSLog(@"_brotherDeviceList [%@]",_brotherDeviceList);

    NSMutableArray *_serializedArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:_brotherDeviceList.count];

    for (BRPtouchDeviceInfo *deviceInfo in _brotherDeviceList) {
        [_serializedArray addObject:[self serializeDeviceInfo:deviceInfo]];

        NSLog(@"Model: %@, IP Address: %@", deviceInfo.strModelName, deviceInfo.strIPAddress);
        // NSLog(@"IP Address: %@",deviceInfo.strIPAddress);


    [self sendEventWithName:@"onDiscoverPrinters" body:_serializedArray];


- (NSString *)defaultPaperSize: (NSString *) printer
    NSString *result = nil;

    NSString *pathInPrintSettings   = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"PrinterList" ofType:@"plist"];
    if (pathInPrintSettings) {
        NSDictionary *priterListArray = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:pathInPrintSettings];
        if (priterListArray) {
            result = [[[priterListArray objectForKey:printer] objectForKey:@"PaperSize"] objectAtIndex:0];
    return result;

- (NSDictionary *) serializeDeviceInfo:(BRPtouchDeviceInfo *)device {
    return @{
        @"ipAddress": device.strIPAddress,
        @"location": device.strLocation,
        @"modelName": device.strModelName,
        @"printerName": device.strPrinterName,
        @"serialNumber": device.strSerialNumber,
        @"nodeName": device.strNodeName,
        @"macAddress": device.strMACAddress,

- (BRPtouchDeviceInfo *) deserializeDeviceInfo:(NSDictionary *)device {
    BRPtouchDeviceInfo *deviceInfo = [[BRPtouchDeviceInfo alloc] init];

//    return @{
//        @"ipAddress": device.strIPAddress,
//        @"location": device.strLocation,
//        @"modelName": device.strModelName,
//        @"printerName": device.strPrinterName,
//        @"serialNumber": device.strSerialNumber,
//        @"nodeName": device.strNodeName,
//        @"macAddress": device.strMACAddress,
//    };
    deviceInfo.strIPAddress = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"ipAddress"]];
    deviceInfo.strLocation = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"location"]];
    deviceInfo.strModelName = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"modelName"]];
    deviceInfo.strPrinterName = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"printerName"]];
    deviceInfo.strSerialNumber = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"serialNumber"]];
    deviceInfo.strNodeName = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"nodeName"]];
    deviceInfo.strMACAddress = [RCTConvert NSString:device[@"macAddress"]];

    NSLog(@"We got here");

    return deviceInfo;


If a use the pingPrinter function and I put the ip of the printer I get :
Discover Readers Successful
LOG We found these listeners [{"ipAddress": "", "location": "", "macAddress": "00:80:77:57:83:df", "modelName": "Brother PT-P950NW", "nodeName": "BRN0080775783DF", "printerName": "Brother PT-P950NW", "serialNumber": "E6Z987778"}]

But if a use PrintImage function I get : There was an error trying to print the image,
this error is in Objective-c file ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m (https://github.com/Avery246813579/react-native-brother-printers/blob/master/ios/ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m) in this condition :

if (printError.code != BRLMPrintErrorCodeNoError) {
     NSLog(@"Error - Print Image: %@", printError); 
    NSError* error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.react-native-brother-printers.rn" code:1 userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:printError.description forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey]];

    reject(PRINT_ERROR, @"There was an error trying to print the image", error);
} else {
    NSLog(@"Success - Print Image");

Also if try to change the url like that:

NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"./Resources/icon" withExtension:@"png"];

I get this error message:

Error - Print Image: setLabelSizeError

and if add this line to specify the size like that:

ptSettings.labelSize = BRLMMWPrintSettingsPaperSizeA7;

I get also another error message:
Error - Print Image: FilePathURLError

those error messages are in this log:

NSLog(@"Error - Print Image: %@", printError);

So what I should do to correct those errors ?

Thank you for your help.

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欲拥i 2025-01-17 10:03:31

最后我明白了,库react-native-brother-printers 工作得很棒。

这个库适用于 QL 系列,如果有人有另一个打印机模块,如果他选择的是 Objective-C 语言,他应该编辑 Objective.c 文件(ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m),然后他可以使用以下命令修补库的修改例如一个补丁文件,在不复制粘贴之前将修改粘贴到每个项目中。

因为在 Brother Print SDK 手册 (https: //support.brother.com/g/s/es/htmldoc/mobilesdk/guide/print-image.html),他们为每个系列提供了一个示例。

如果有人收到错误消息,例如 SetLabelSizeError,他应该在手册中返回(https://support.brother.com/g/s/es/htmldoc/mobilesdk/reference/ios_v4/brlmptprintsettings.html#labelsize)并搜索他的打印机的设置,在我的情况下是BRLMPTPrintSettingsLabelSize。

Finally I get it, the library react-native-brother-printers work awesome.

Just this library is for the QL series, and if someone has another printer module he should for instance edit the Objective.c file (ReactNativeBrotherPrinters.m) if his choice was Objective-C language and after he can patch the modification of the library with a patch file for example, before not copy paste the modifications in each project.

Because in the Brother Print SDK Manual (https://support.brother.com/g/s/es/htmldoc/mobilesdk/guide/print-image.html), they offer an example for each series.

And if someone has an error message for example SetLabelSizeError he should return in the Manual (https://support.brother.com/g/s/es/htmldoc/mobilesdk/reference/ios_v4/brlmptprintsettings.html#labelsize) and search the setting of his printer, in my case it is BRLMPTPrintSettingsLabelSize.

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