“找不到文件” Ubuntu 20.04 中的 PyCharm 错误
我正在从 Windows 迁移到 Ubuntu 20.04 桌面,并从 Wing IDE 迁移到 PyCharm。我非常熟悉 Linux 和 Linux 文件路径,因为我已经在云中使用它好几年了,但我对桌面还是陌生的。
我的问题是这样的:在终端中,我可以导航到 ~/Software_Projects/NT_Test_Projects/Px_Lib,但是在 PyCharm 中使用以下 Python 行时,我收到“FileNotFound”错误。
dest = r"~/Software_Projects/NT_Test_Projects/" + py_input_file[1:-3]
dir_files = os.listdir(dest)
这些行生成的文件路径与我在终端中看到的相同 - ~/Software_Projects/NT_Test_Projects/Px_Lib - 所以我不知道为什么会收到此错误。
我在 Ubuntu 20.04 桌面上使用 PyCharm 2021.3.2(社区版)。
I am migrating from Windows to Ubuntu 20.04 desktop, and I am migrating from Wing IDE to PyCharm. I'm very familiar with Linux, and Linux file paths, as I have used it in the cloud for several years, but I'm new to desktop.
My problem is this: in the terminal, I can navigate to ~/Software_Projects/NT_Test_Projects/Px_Lib, but with the following Python lines in PyCharm I get "FileNotFound" error.
dest = r"~/Software_Projects/NT_Test_Projects/" + py_input_file[1:-3]
dir_files = os.listdir(dest)
Those lines produce the same file path as I see in the terminal -- ~/Software_Projects/NT_Test_Projects/Px_Lib -- so I don't know why I am getting this error.
I have tried numerous permutations (I even left off the leading ~) but I keep getting the same error.
I'm using PyCharm 2021.3.2 (Community Edition) on Ubuntu 20.04 desktop.
Thanks for any help with this.
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“/home/myxtc/Software_Projects/NT_Test_Projects/” + py_input_file[1:-3]
您可以在“运行 - 编辑配置”中看到完整的项目路径。 PyCharm 需要完整路径,而不是熟悉的 ~ 来指定主目录。
The answer to this question turns out to be:
"/home/myxtc/Software_Projects/NT_Test_Projects/" + py_input_file[1:-3]
You can see the full project path in "Run - Edit Configurations." PyCharm needs the full path, not the familiar ~ to specify the home directory.