Blockblog:Azure ---- 数据传输
我们的团队创建了一个高级存储帐户,并最终使用 Blockblob 存储了 126M blob (30TB)。
存储帐户类型:高级 格式:BlockBlobStorage
我们尝试了生命周期管理,但它不起作用(不支持 Blockblob)。我们的工作是将数据从高级(昂贵)转移到低成本(酷层或标准存储帐户)。
Our team created a Premium storage account and eventually stored 126M blobs (30TB) using Blockblob.
Storage account type: Premium
Format: BlockBlobStorage
We tried Lifecycle management but it didn't work (Doesn't support Blockblob). Our job is to move data from Premium(expensive) to a low-cost (cool tier or standard storage account).
Can someone share their experience on how they performed data transfer from Premium(BlockBlog) to cool tier or to a standard/cool-tier account?
Thank you in advance.
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正如另一个答案中提到的,高级块 Blob 帐户确实支持 Blob 生命周期管理。请参阅此链接了解更多详细信息:。
您遇到的问题是高级块 Blob 帐户不支持酷访问层和存档访问层。此类帐户仅支持热访问层。请参阅此链接了解更多详细信息:。
考虑到高级块 Blob 帐户不支持酷访问层,并且您无法真正使用 Blob 生命周期管理功能在不同帐户之间移动 Blob(高级到标准),您需要做的是将 Blob 从高级帐户复制到标准帐户。复制时,您可以将 Blob 的访问层设置为 Cool,以便使用 Cool 访问层复制 Blob。成功复制所有 Blob 后,您可以从高级帐户中删除这些 Blob。
As mentioned in the other answer, Blob Lifecycle Management is indeed supported to Premium Block Blob accounts. Please see this link for more details:
The issue that you have is that the cool and archive access tiers are not supported for Premium Block Blob accounts. Only hot access tier is supported in such accounts. Please see this link for more details:
Considering cool access tier is not supported in Premium Block Blob accounts and you can't really use Blob Lifecycle Management feature to move blobs across different account (Premium to Standard), what you would need to do is copy the blobs from your Premium account to a Standard account. While copying you can set the access tier of the blob to cool so that the blobs are copied with cool access tier. Once all blobs are successfully copied, you can delete the blobs from your Premium account.
由于 Block Blob 基本上是默认的 blob 类型(其他是 Page blob 和 Append Blob),因此我认为生命周期管理不支持 Block Blob 是不正确的。事实上,我有一个生命周期管理帐户,可以自动将块 Blob 从“冷却”层移动到“存档”层。
[可选] 将帐户设置为“酷”级别:
Since Block Blob is basically the default blob type (others being Page blobs and Append Blobs), I don't think it is correct that Lifecycle management doesn't support Block Blob. In fact, I have an account with Lifecycle management that moves Block Blobs from Cool to Archive tier automatically.
[Optional] Set an Account to "Cool" tier:
Use Lifecycle Management and add a Rule to change Tiers: