如何计算 PyTorch 中多标签边缘分割的准确性(和其他指标)?
我正在使用 CASENet 进行边缘分割。他们的想法是一个像素可以同时属于多个类别。我在由 3 个类组成的自定义数据集上使用 DFF 提供的 CASENet 的 pytorch 实现。
def training(self, epoch):
tbar = tqdm(self.trainloader)
# tbar = self.trainloader
train_loss = 0.
train_loss_all = 0.
acc_class0 = 0.
acc_class1 = 0.
acc_class2 = 0.
acc_class0_all = 0.
acc_class1_all = 0.
acc_class2_all = 0.
correct_class0 = 0.
correct_class1 = 0.
correct_class2 = 0.
correct_class0_all = 0.
correct_class1_all = 0.
correct_class2_all = 0.
total = 0.
total_all = 0.
for i, (image, target) in enumerate(tbar):
self.scheduler(self.optimizer, i, epoch)
if torch_ver == "0.3":
image = Variable(image)
target = Variable(target)
image = image.cuda()
target = target.cuda()
outputs = self.model(image.float())
loss = self.criterion(outputs, target)
train_loss += loss.item()
train_loss_all += loss.item()
total += target[0][1,:,:].nelement() * target.size(0)
total_all += target[0][1,:,:].nelement() * target.size(0)
correct_0, correct_1, correct_2 = self.get_accuracy_stats(outputs[1], target)
correct_class0 += correct_0
correct_class1 += correct_1
correct_class2 += correct_2
correct_class0_all += correct_0
correct_class1_all += correct_1
correct_class2_all += correct_2
if i == 0 or (i+1) % 20 == 0:
train_loss = train_loss / min(20, i + 1)
acc_class0 = 100 * correct_class0 / total
acc_class1 = 100 * correct_class1 / total
acc_class2 = 100 * correct_class2 / total
# self.logger.info('Epoch [%d], Batch [%d],\t train-loss: %.4f' % (
# epoch + 1, i + 1, train_loss))
self.logger.info('Epoch [%d], Batch [%d],\t train-loss: %.4f,\t class1 acc: %.3f,\t class2 acc: %.3f,\t class3 acc: %.3f' % (
epoch + 1, i + 1, train_loss, acc_class0, acc_class1, acc_class2))
train_loss = 0.
total = 0.
correct_class0 = 0.
correct_class1 = 0.
correct_class2 = 0.
acc_class0_all = 100 * correct_class0_all / total_all
acc_class1_all = 100 * correct_class1_all / total_all
acc_class2_all = 100 * correct_class2_all / total_all
#self.logger.info('-> Epoch [%d], Train epoch loss: %.3f' % (
# epoch + 1, train_loss_all / (i + 1)))
self.logger.info('-> Epoch [%d], Train epoch loss: %.3f,\t class1 epoch acc: %.3f,\t class2 epoch acc: %.3f,\t class3 epoch acc: %.3f' % (
epoch + 1, train_loss_all / (i + 1), acc_class0_all, acc_class1_all, acc_class2_all))
if not self.args.no_val:
# save checkpoint every 20 epoch
filename = "checkpoint_%s.pth.tar"%(epoch+1)
if epoch % 19 == 0 or epoch == args.epochs-1:
'epoch': epoch + 1,
'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(),
'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(),
}, self.args, filename)
self.viz.line(win=self.loss_plot, name='train_loss', update='append', X=np.array([epoch+1]),
Y=np.array([train_loss_all / (i + 1)]))
def get_accuracy_stats(self, predicted, targets):
correct_class_outputs = [[] for x in range(predicted[0].size(0))]
for i in range(targets.size(0)):
predictions = predicted[i]
target = targets[i]
pad_mask = target[0, :, :]
target = target[1:, :, :]
target_nopad = torch.mul(target, pad_mask)
predictions_nopad = torch.mul(predictions, pad_mask)
for j in range(predictions_nopad.size(0)):
class_pred = predictions_nopad[j]
class_target = target_nopad[j]
class_output = torch.sigmoid(class_pred)
class_output = torch.round(class_output)
correct_class_outputs[j].append((class_output == class_target).sum().item())
return sum(correct_class_outputs[0]), sum(correct_class_outputs[1]), sum(correct_class_outputs[2])
outputs = self.model(image.float())
我的输出 logits 是以下形式的元组:([6, 3, 512, 512], [6, 3, 512, 512]) ->第一个元组项是模型的 side5 输出,第二项是模型的融合层输出。如果我理解正确的话,3 是属于各自类别的边缘图。我只考虑第二个元组项来计算准确性,因为我对 side5 输出不感兴趣。
我的目标的形式为: [6, 4, 512, 512],其中 target[i][0,:,:]
是一个填充掩码,不包括在 损失计算 和target[i][1:,:,:]
我想知道我的每类准确度计算代码是否正确以及我是否走在正确的道路上?或者有更简单的方法来做到这一点吗?我觉得我错过了一些东西,因为我得到了奇怪的输出,所有批次的准确度始终高于 90%。
2022-02-23 16:52:39:
=>Epoches 0, learning rate = 0.0100
2022-02-23 16:52:42: Epoch [1], Batch [1], train-loss: 0.8800, class1 acc: 3.627, class2 acc: 99.756, class3 acc: 3.417
1%| | 19/1540 [00:18<19:35, 1.29it/s]2022-02-23 16:52:55: Epoch [1], Batch [20], train-loss: 0.6791, class1 acc: 80.341, class2 acc: 99.837, class3 acc: 60.657
3%|▎ | 39/1540 [00:32<18:19, 1.37it/s]2022-02-23 16:53:10: Epoch [1], Batch [40], train-loss: 0.4224, class1 acc: 94.660, class2 acc: 98.015, class3 acc: 97.362
4%|▍ | 59/1540 [00:47<17:41, 1.39it/s]2022-02-23 16:53:25: Epoch [1], Batch [60], train-loss: 0.3861, class1 acc: 94.057, class2 acc: 97.624, class3 acc: 95.716
5%|▌ | 79/1540 [01:02<17:57, 1.36it/s]2022-02-23 16:53:40: Epoch [1], Batch [80], train-loss: 0.3689, class1 acc: 94.118, class2 acc: 97.754, class3 acc: 95.444
6%|▋ | 99/1540 [01:16<17:08, 1.40it/s]2022-02-23 16:53:54: Epoch [1], Batch [100], train-loss: 0.3326, class1 acc: 92.769, class2 acc: 98.245, class3 acc: 94.348
8%|▊ | 119/1540 [01:31<16:53, 1.40it/s]2022-02-23 16:54:08: Epoch [1], Batch [120], train-loss: 0.3048, class1 acc: 93.446, class2 acc: 97.996, class3 acc: 95.004
9%|▉ | 139/1540 [01:45<16:42, 1.40it/s]2022-02-23 16:54:23: Epoch [1], Batch [140], train-loss: 0.3570, class1 acc: 93.433, class2 acc: 98.012, class3 acc: 94.916
10%|█ | 159/1540 [01:59<16:27, 1.40it/s]2022-02-23 16:54:37: Epoch [1], Batch [160], train-loss: 0.3236, class1 acc: 92.567, class2 acc: 98.614, class3 acc: 94.335
12%|█▏ | 179/1540 [02:14<17:10, 1.32it/s]2022-02-23 16:54:52: Epoch [1], Batch [180], train-loss: 0.3651, class1 acc: 92.132, class2 acc: 97.685, class3 acc: 93.697
13%|█▎ | 199/1540 [02:30<17:42, 1.26it/s]2022-02-23 16:55:08: Epoch [1], Batch [200], train-loss: 0.3106, class1 acc: 93.269, class2 acc: 98.169, class3 acc: 94.849
14%|█▍ | 219/1540 [02:46<17:33, 1.25it/s]2022-02-23 16:55:24: Epoch [1], Batch [220], train-loss: 0.3878, class1 acc: 91.229, class2 acc: 97.875, class3 acc: 93.294
16%|█▌ | 239/1540 [03:02<17:49, 1.22it/s]2022-02-23 16:55:40: Epoch [1], Batch [240], train-loss: 0.3361, class1 acc: 93.295, class2 acc: 98.609, class3 acc: 94.954
17%|█▋ | 259/1540 [03:18<16:29, 1.29it/s]2022-02-23 16:55:56: Epoch [1], Batch [260], train-loss: 0.3350, class1 acc: 94.269, class2 acc: 98.122, class3 acc: 95.307
18%|█▊ | 279/1540 [03:33<15:11, 1.38it/s]2022-02-23 16:56:11: Epoch [1], Batch [280], train-loss: 0.3167, class1 acc: 93.818, class2 acc: 98.189, class3 acc: 94.971
19%|█▉ | 299/1540 [03:49<17:16, 1.20it/s]2022-02-23 16:56:27: Epoch [1], Batch [300], train-loss: 0.3230, class1 acc: 91.987, class2 acc: 98.382, class3 acc: 93.885
另外,我将如何计算其他指标,例如 F1(在训练期间),因为这将是模型性能的更好指标?
I am working on edge segmentation with CASENet. Their idea is that a pixel can belong to more than one class at the same time. I am using the pytorch implementation of CASENet provided by DFF on my custom dataset consisting of 3 classes.
I am trying to calculate the accuracy per class in this setting since I cannot monitor the model's performance only based on the loss.
Here's what I have tried so far:
def training(self, epoch):
tbar = tqdm(self.trainloader)
# tbar = self.trainloader
train_loss = 0.
train_loss_all = 0.
acc_class0 = 0.
acc_class1 = 0.
acc_class2 = 0.
acc_class0_all = 0.
acc_class1_all = 0.
acc_class2_all = 0.
correct_class0 = 0.
correct_class1 = 0.
correct_class2 = 0.
correct_class0_all = 0.
correct_class1_all = 0.
correct_class2_all = 0.
total = 0.
total_all = 0.
for i, (image, target) in enumerate(tbar):
self.scheduler(self.optimizer, i, epoch)
if torch_ver == "0.3":
image = Variable(image)
target = Variable(target)
image = image.cuda()
target = target.cuda()
outputs = self.model(image.float())
loss = self.criterion(outputs, target)
train_loss += loss.item()
train_loss_all += loss.item()
total += target[0][1,:,:].nelement() * target.size(0)
total_all += target[0][1,:,:].nelement() * target.size(0)
correct_0, correct_1, correct_2 = self.get_accuracy_stats(outputs[1], target)
correct_class0 += correct_0
correct_class1 += correct_1
correct_class2 += correct_2
correct_class0_all += correct_0
correct_class1_all += correct_1
correct_class2_all += correct_2
if i == 0 or (i+1) % 20 == 0:
train_loss = train_loss / min(20, i + 1)
acc_class0 = 100 * correct_class0 / total
acc_class1 = 100 * correct_class1 / total
acc_class2 = 100 * correct_class2 / total
# self.logger.info('Epoch [%d], Batch [%d],\t train-loss: %.4f' % (
# epoch + 1, i + 1, train_loss))
self.logger.info('Epoch [%d], Batch [%d],\t train-loss: %.4f,\t class1 acc: %.3f,\t class2 acc: %.3f,\t class3 acc: %.3f' % (
epoch + 1, i + 1, train_loss, acc_class0, acc_class1, acc_class2))
train_loss = 0.
total = 0.
correct_class0 = 0.
correct_class1 = 0.
correct_class2 = 0.
acc_class0_all = 100 * correct_class0_all / total_all
acc_class1_all = 100 * correct_class1_all / total_all
acc_class2_all = 100 * correct_class2_all / total_all
#self.logger.info('-> Epoch [%d], Train epoch loss: %.3f' % (
# epoch + 1, train_loss_all / (i + 1)))
self.logger.info('-> Epoch [%d], Train epoch loss: %.3f,\t class1 epoch acc: %.3f,\t class2 epoch acc: %.3f,\t class3 epoch acc: %.3f' % (
epoch + 1, train_loss_all / (i + 1), acc_class0_all, acc_class1_all, acc_class2_all))
if not self.args.no_val:
# save checkpoint every 20 epoch
filename = "checkpoint_%s.pth.tar"%(epoch+1)
if epoch % 19 == 0 or epoch == args.epochs-1:
'epoch': epoch + 1,
'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(),
'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(),
}, self.args, filename)
self.viz.line(win=self.loss_plot, name='train_loss', update='append', X=np.array([epoch+1]),
Y=np.array([train_loss_all / (i + 1)]))
def get_accuracy_stats(self, predicted, targets):
correct_class_outputs = [[] for x in range(predicted[0].size(0))]
for i in range(targets.size(0)):
predictions = predicted[i]
target = targets[i]
pad_mask = target[0, :, :]
target = target[1:, :, :]
target_nopad = torch.mul(target, pad_mask)
predictions_nopad = torch.mul(predictions, pad_mask)
for j in range(predictions_nopad.size(0)):
class_pred = predictions_nopad[j]
class_target = target_nopad[j]
class_output = torch.sigmoid(class_pred)
class_output = torch.round(class_output)
correct_class_outputs[j].append((class_output == class_target).sum().item())
return sum(correct_class_outputs[0]), sum(correct_class_outputs[1]), sum(correct_class_outputs[2])
Some background:
In the line:
outputs = self.model(image.float())
my output logits is a tuple of the form:([6, 3, 512, 512], [6, 3, 512, 512]) -> The first tuple item is the side5 output of the model and the 2nd item is the model's fused layer output. 3 is the edge maps belonging to their respective classes, if I understand this correctly. I am only considering the 2nd tuple item for calculation of the accuracy as I am not interested in the side5 output.
My target is of the form: [6, 4, 512, 512] where target[i][0,:,:]
is a padded mask which is excluded from the loss calculation and target[i][1:,:,:]
is the actual target.
I would like to know if my code for accuracy calculation per class is correct and am I on the right path? Or is there an easier way to do this? I feel that I have missed out something as I get strange outputs for accuracy always outputting above 90% for all the batches.
Here is a sample output:
2022-02-23 16:52:39:
=>Epoches 0, learning rate = 0.0100
2022-02-23 16:52:42: Epoch [1], Batch [1], train-loss: 0.8800, class1 acc: 3.627, class2 acc: 99.756, class3 acc: 3.417
1%| | 19/1540 [00:18<19:35, 1.29it/s]2022-02-23 16:52:55: Epoch [1], Batch [20], train-loss: 0.6791, class1 acc: 80.341, class2 acc: 99.837, class3 acc: 60.657
3%|▎ | 39/1540 [00:32<18:19, 1.37it/s]2022-02-23 16:53:10: Epoch [1], Batch [40], train-loss: 0.4224, class1 acc: 94.660, class2 acc: 98.015, class3 acc: 97.362
4%|▍ | 59/1540 [00:47<17:41, 1.39it/s]2022-02-23 16:53:25: Epoch [1], Batch [60], train-loss: 0.3861, class1 acc: 94.057, class2 acc: 97.624, class3 acc: 95.716
5%|▌ | 79/1540 [01:02<17:57, 1.36it/s]2022-02-23 16:53:40: Epoch [1], Batch [80], train-loss: 0.3689, class1 acc: 94.118, class2 acc: 97.754, class3 acc: 95.444
6%|▋ | 99/1540 [01:16<17:08, 1.40it/s]2022-02-23 16:53:54: Epoch [1], Batch [100], train-loss: 0.3326, class1 acc: 92.769, class2 acc: 98.245, class3 acc: 94.348
8%|▊ | 119/1540 [01:31<16:53, 1.40it/s]2022-02-23 16:54:08: Epoch [1], Batch [120], train-loss: 0.3048, class1 acc: 93.446, class2 acc: 97.996, class3 acc: 95.004
9%|▉ | 139/1540 [01:45<16:42, 1.40it/s]2022-02-23 16:54:23: Epoch [1], Batch [140], train-loss: 0.3570, class1 acc: 93.433, class2 acc: 98.012, class3 acc: 94.916
10%|█ | 159/1540 [01:59<16:27, 1.40it/s]2022-02-23 16:54:37: Epoch [1], Batch [160], train-loss: 0.3236, class1 acc: 92.567, class2 acc: 98.614, class3 acc: 94.335
12%|█▏ | 179/1540 [02:14<17:10, 1.32it/s]2022-02-23 16:54:52: Epoch [1], Batch [180], train-loss: 0.3651, class1 acc: 92.132, class2 acc: 97.685, class3 acc: 93.697
13%|█▎ | 199/1540 [02:30<17:42, 1.26it/s]2022-02-23 16:55:08: Epoch [1], Batch [200], train-loss: 0.3106, class1 acc: 93.269, class2 acc: 98.169, class3 acc: 94.849
14%|█▍ | 219/1540 [02:46<17:33, 1.25it/s]2022-02-23 16:55:24: Epoch [1], Batch [220], train-loss: 0.3878, class1 acc: 91.229, class2 acc: 97.875, class3 acc: 93.294
16%|█▌ | 239/1540 [03:02<17:49, 1.22it/s]2022-02-23 16:55:40: Epoch [1], Batch [240], train-loss: 0.3361, class1 acc: 93.295, class2 acc: 98.609, class3 acc: 94.954
17%|█▋ | 259/1540 [03:18<16:29, 1.29it/s]2022-02-23 16:55:56: Epoch [1], Batch [260], train-loss: 0.3350, class1 acc: 94.269, class2 acc: 98.122, class3 acc: 95.307
18%|█▊ | 279/1540 [03:33<15:11, 1.38it/s]2022-02-23 16:56:11: Epoch [1], Batch [280], train-loss: 0.3167, class1 acc: 93.818, class2 acc: 98.189, class3 acc: 94.971
19%|█▉ | 299/1540 [03:49<17:16, 1.20it/s]2022-02-23 16:56:27: Epoch [1], Batch [300], train-loss: 0.3230, class1 acc: 91.987, class2 acc: 98.382, class3 acc: 93.885
Also, how would I go about calculating other metrics such as F1 (during training) as that would be a better indicator of the model's performance?
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