python 中使用 curve_fit() 的自定义函数出现 nans 和 infs 错误
我正在创建星系模拟速度值的统计图(如标准差、h3、h4 等)。我有一个星系模拟快照,其中包含恒星的空间“x_new”、“y_new”值以及占据这些空间坐标的恒星的速度“vz_new”值。我将星系的 xy 平面划分为多个单元,然后让恒星的速度值落入相应的单元中。然后,我通常只使用 np.std()(这是一个内置的 numpy 函数)获取每个单元格中速度值数组的标准差,并使用这些数字绘制地图。
然而,为了获得 h3 或 h4 值,我需要首先从速度值的每个像元中获取频谱,然后定义 Gauss-Hermite 函数,然后获得速度值与该 Gauss-Hermite 函数的曲线拟合,然后获得 h3 或该曲线拟合的 h4 值。因此,我尝试定义自己的函数 get_h3()。这是我遇到一些“NAN”错误的部分,例如:ValueError:数组不得包含 infs 或 NaN
这是我正在使用的代码的相关部分。 :
import pynbody
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import norm
import pylab as plb
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# import plot lib
import seaborn as sns
#the galaxy spatial coordinates are stored in arrays x_new, y_new. The velocity values are stored in array v_new.
#laying a grid on the galaxy snapshot on an x-y plane
x_new = x_new // 2 + 20
y_new = y_new // 2 + 20
cells = [[[] for y_new in range(k)] for x_new in range(k)] #creating cells or pixels on x-y plane
#letting vz_new values to fall into the grid cells
for ycell in range(k):
for xcell in range(k):
cells[ycell][xcell] = vz_new[(y_new == ycell) & (x_new == xcell)]
for ycell in range(k):
for xcell in range(k):
this = cells[ycell][xcell]
#print(ycell, xcell, len(this), this, sep='\t')
#Define function to get h3 value from velocity arrays in every cell. This will involve nested functions.
#We will take the velocity array and create a spectrum using plt.hist to get velocity values and corresponding frequencies.
def get_h3(dataV):
counts, binz, bars = plt.hist(dataV, density=True, bins=150)
x_h = binz[:-1]
y_h = counts
n = len(x_h)
mean = sum(x_h * y_h) / n
sigma = sum(y_h * (x_h - mean)**2) / n
# Let's define the Gauss-Hermite function
#a=amplitude, x0=location of peak, sig=std dev, h3, h4
def gh_func(x_h, a, x0, sig, h3, h4):
return (
a * np.exp(-0.5 * ( (x_h - x0) / sig )**2) *
1 +
h3 * (
((x_h - x0) / sig)**1 + (-np.sqrt(3)) +
((x_h - x0) / sig)**3 * (2 / np.sqrt(3))
) +
h4 * (
(np.sqrt(6) / 4) +
((x_h - x0) / sig)**2 * (-np.sqrt(6)) +
((x_h - x0) / sig)**4 * (np.sqrt(6) / 3)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(
gh_func, x_h, y_h,
p0=( np.max(y_h), mean, sigma, 0, 0 ), maxfev=5000
) #i'm taking h3=0 and h4=0 as guesses
return popt[3] #this popt[3] is our h3 value
#getting h3 from velocity values in each cell-I THINK THIS IS WHERE THE MAIN ISSUE IS.
h3 = [[[] for y_new in range(k)] for x_new in range(k)]
for ycell in range(k):
for xcell in range(k):
#cells[ycell][xcell] = np.array(vz_new[(y_new == ycell) & (x_new == xcell)],dtype=object)
cells[ycell][xcell] = vz_new[(y_new == ycell) & (x_new == xcell)]
# QUESTION: is there a way to replace invalid nans or infs with 0 for this next part?
h3[ycell][xcell] = get_h3(cells[ycell][xcell])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# heatmap
ax=sns.heatmap(h3, cmap='RdBu')
有人可以帮助我了解如何处理这些错误或定义一个可以忽略 nan 和 infs 值的函数吗?我的编程经验并不丰富,所以如果有任何不清楚的地方,我深表歉意。请告诉我,我将进一步澄清。多谢。
I am trying to find how to use a self-defined function to obtain high order moment like h3 moment of gauss-hermite function from arrays in python. I will explain my full setup of code to help you understand this problem better.
I am creating maps of statistics (like standard deviation, h3, h4 etc) of velocity values of galaxy simulations. I have a galaxy simulation snapshot with spatial 'x_new', 'y_new' values of the stars and velocity 'vz_new' values of the stars that occupy those spatial coordinates. I have divided the x-y plane of the galaxy into cells and then allowed the velocity values of the stars to fall into the corresponding cells. Then I usually just take the standard deviation using np.std(), which is an in-built numpy function, of the array of velocity values in every cell and plot a map using those numbers.
However for obtaining h3 or h4 values, I needed to obtain a spectrum from each cell of velocity values first, then define a Gauss-Hermite function, then obtain a curve fitting of the velocity values to that Gauss-Hermite function and then obtain h3 or h4 value from that curve fit. So, I tried to define my own function, get_h3(). This is the part where I am experiencing some "NAN" errors like:ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs
This is the relevant part of the code I am using. :
import pynbody
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import norm
import pylab as plb
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# import plot lib
import seaborn as sns
#the galaxy spatial coordinates are stored in arrays x_new, y_new. The velocity values are stored in array v_new.
#laying a grid on the galaxy snapshot on an x-y plane
x_new = x_new // 2 + 20
y_new = y_new // 2 + 20
cells = [[[] for y_new in range(k)] for x_new in range(k)] #creating cells or pixels on x-y plane
#letting vz_new values to fall into the grid cells
for ycell in range(k):
for xcell in range(k):
cells[ycell][xcell] = vz_new[(y_new == ycell) & (x_new == xcell)]
for ycell in range(k):
for xcell in range(k):
this = cells[ycell][xcell]
#print(ycell, xcell, len(this), this, sep='\t')
#Define function to get h3 value from velocity arrays in every cell. This will involve nested functions.
#We will take the velocity array and create a spectrum using plt.hist to get velocity values and corresponding frequencies.
def get_h3(dataV):
counts, binz, bars = plt.hist(dataV, density=True, bins=150)
x_h = binz[:-1]
y_h = counts
n = len(x_h)
mean = sum(x_h * y_h) / n
sigma = sum(y_h * (x_h - mean)**2) / n
# Let's define the Gauss-Hermite function
#a=amplitude, x0=location of peak, sig=std dev, h3, h4
def gh_func(x_h, a, x0, sig, h3, h4):
return (
a * np.exp(-0.5 * ( (x_h - x0) / sig )**2) *
1 +
h3 * (
((x_h - x0) / sig)**1 + (-np.sqrt(3)) +
((x_h - x0) / sig)**3 * (2 / np.sqrt(3))
) +
h4 * (
(np.sqrt(6) / 4) +
((x_h - x0) / sig)**2 * (-np.sqrt(6)) +
((x_h - x0) / sig)**4 * (np.sqrt(6) / 3)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(
gh_func, x_h, y_h,
p0=( np.max(y_h), mean, sigma, 0, 0 ), maxfev=5000
) #i'm taking h3=0 and h4=0 as guesses
return popt[3] #this popt[3] is our h3 value
#getting h3 from velocity values in each cell-I THINK THIS IS WHERE THE MAIN ISSUE IS.
h3 = [[[] for y_new in range(k)] for x_new in range(k)]
for ycell in range(k):
for xcell in range(k):
#cells[ycell][xcell] = np.array(vz_new[(y_new == ycell) & (x_new == xcell)],dtype=object)
cells[ycell][xcell] = vz_new[(y_new == ycell) & (x_new == xcell)]
# QUESTION: is there a way to replace invalid nans or infs with 0 for this next part?
h3[ycell][xcell] = get_h3(cells[ycell][xcell])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# heatmap
ax=sns.heatmap(h3, cmap='RdBu')
Can someone help me understand how to handle these errors or define a function that could ignore nan and infs values? My experience with programming is not extensive, so apologies if anything is unclear. Let me know and I will further clarify. Thanks a lot.
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