我有这个简单的 python 脚本,
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
recv,addr = sock.recvfrom(128) # This line is receiving packet?
当数据包处于下行流时,如何处理数据包? 我的意思是,如果检测到某些字节,例如 b'\xfc'
if b'\xfc' in recv: sock.close()
I have this simple python script
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
recv,addr = sock.recvfrom(128) # This line is receiving packet?
How do I handle packet while it's in down streaming?
I mean I want ignore packet if certain bytes detected for example b'\xfc'
I can achieve it AFTER the buffer/data completely received with doing this:
if b'\xfc' in recv: sock.close()
But this weakness is I need to wait data/buffer completely received, what if destination server reply with big packet size? This will not efficient, I need to fully received destination server reply before close.
If my question is hard to understand, just understand this analogy. Suppose you want talk to me, and I'm starting listening you. While you are talking, I'm processing every your character, if there's certain character for example letter 's' you told to me, I will close my ear suddenly exactly after you send me such character.
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