
发布于 2025-01-09 12:56:22 字数 2375 浏览 3 评论 0原文

我有一个干净的图像和一个嘈杂的图像。我创建了一个降噪器并将其应用于嘈杂的图像,这是我的最终输出。现在,为了比较该图像与干净图像的接近程度,我需要使用 PSNR 和 SSIM 对其进行比较,但由于图像的位置不同,我无法进行比较。

现在我得到的 SSIM 为 0.5,这是非常低的,因为两个图像的位置都不正确。如果图像配准正确,那么我猜 SSIM 应该在 0.80+ 左右。但我没能做到这一点。

如何对齐这两个图像以获得良好的 SSIM 值?

我有两张硬币图像,第一张图像(干净),第二张图像(改进了嘈杂的 IMG),用于比较。



嘈杂的 Img:


由于图像位置不同ssim(img1,img2) 给出了错误的输出。我尝试裁剪,但没有成功。 这是我到目前为止所尝试过的:

尝试 1:

function [valPSNR,valSSIM,badpict]=getSSIM(clean_img,img2)
% pad reference image since object is so close to edges
refpict = padarray(mat2gray(clean_img),[20 20],'replicate','both');
% crop test image down to extract the object alone
badpict = imcrop(mat2gray(img2),[2.5 61.5 357 363]);
% maximize normalized cross-correlation to find offset
szb = size(badpict);
c = normxcorr2(badpict,refpict);
[idxy idxx] = find(c == max(c(:)));
osy = idxy-szb(1);
osx = idxx-szb(2);
% crop the reference pict to the ROI
refpict = refpict(osy:idxy-1,osx:idxx-1);
figure; imshowpair(clean_img,img2);
figure; montage({mat2gray(clean_img),mat2gray(img2)}, 'Size', [1 2], 'BackgroundColor', 'w', 'BorderSize', [2 2]);

尝试 2:

function [valPSNR,valSSIM,badpict]=getSSIM2(clean_img,img2)
% pad reference image since object is so close to edges
bw1 = im2bw(mat2gray(clean_img));
bw2 = imclose(im2bw(mat2gray(img2),0.3),strel('disk',9));
bw2 = bwareafilt(bw2,1);
% make same size
[r,c] = find(bw1);
clean_img = clean_img(min(r):max(r),min(c):max(c));
[r,c] = find(bw2);
img2 = img2(min(r):max(r),min(c):max(c));
img2= imresize(img2, size(clean_img),'bilinear');
figure; imshowpair(clean_img,img2);
figure; montage({mat2gray(clean_img),mat2gray(img2)}, 'Size', [1 2], 'BackgroundColor', 'w', 'BorderSize', [2 2]);

I have a clean image, and a noisy image. I created a denoiser and applied it to the noisy image, that was my final output. Now to compare how much this image is close to a clean image I need to compare it using PSNR and SSIM, but due to different positions of the image I am unable to compare.

Now I am getting SSIM as 0.5, which is very low, due to the improper placement of both the images. If the images are registered properly, then I guess SSIM should come around 0.80+. But I have not been able to accomplish this.

How can I align these two images to obtain a good SSIM value?

I have two coin images, 1st image (CLEAN), 2nd image (IMPROVED a NOISY IMG), for comparison.

Clean Img:

enter image description here

Noisy Img:

enter image description here

Due to positions of images at different positions ssim(img1,img2) is giving incorrect output. I tried cropping but that did not work.
Here is what I have tried so far:

Attempt 1:

function [valPSNR,valSSIM,badpict]=getSSIM(clean_img,img2)
% pad reference image since object is so close to edges
refpict = padarray(mat2gray(clean_img),[20 20],'replicate','both');
% crop test image down to extract the object alone
badpict = imcrop(mat2gray(img2),[2.5 61.5 357 363]);
% maximize normalized cross-correlation to find offset
szb = size(badpict);
c = normxcorr2(badpict,refpict);
[idxy idxx] = find(c == max(c(:)));
osy = idxy-szb(1);
osx = idxx-szb(2);
% crop the reference pict to the ROI
refpict = refpict(osy:idxy-1,osx:idxx-1);
figure; imshowpair(clean_img,img2);
figure; montage({mat2gray(clean_img),mat2gray(img2)}, 'Size', [1 2], 'BackgroundColor', 'w', 'BorderSize', [2 2]);

Attempt 2:

function [valPSNR,valSSIM,badpict]=getSSIM2(clean_img,img2)
% pad reference image since object is so close to edges
bw1 = im2bw(mat2gray(clean_img));
bw2 = imclose(im2bw(mat2gray(img2),0.3),strel('disk',9));
bw2 = bwareafilt(bw2,1);
% make same size
[r,c] = find(bw1);
clean_img = clean_img(min(r):max(r),min(c):max(c));
[r,c] = find(bw2);
img2 = img2(min(r):max(r),min(c):max(c));
img2= imresize(img2, size(clean_img),'bilinear');
figure; imshowpair(clean_img,img2);
figure; montage({mat2gray(clean_img),mat2gray(img2)}, 'Size', [1 2], 'BackgroundColor', 'w', 'BorderSize', [2 2]);

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じее 2025-01-16 12:56:22


% SSIM isn't defined on RGB images, convert to grayscale.
ref = rgb2gray(imread('https://i.sstatic.net/tPKEJ.png'));
X = rgb2gray(imread('https://i.sstatic.net/KmU4y.png'));

% The input image data has bright borders at the edges that create
% artifacts in resampling, best to just crop those or maybe there are
% aquisitions that don't have these borders?
X = X(3:end-2,3:end-2);
ref = ref(4:end-3,4:end-3);


tform = imregcorr(X,ref,"translation");

Xreg = imwarp(X,tform,OutputView=imref2d(size(ref)),SmoothEdges=true);



As others have pointed out, the resampling required by registration will have some non-zero error. But, here is some sample code that will take you through the registration part that is the crux of your question.

% SSIM isn't defined on RGB images, convert to grayscale.
ref = rgb2gray(imread('https://i.sstatic.net/tPKEJ.png'));
X = rgb2gray(imread('https://i.sstatic.net/KmU4y.png'));

% The input image data has bright borders at the edges that create
% artifacts in resampling, best to just crop those or maybe there are
% aquisitions that don't have these borders?
X = X(3:end-2,3:end-2);
ref = ref(4:end-3,4:end-3);


tform = imregcorr(X,ref,"translation");

Xreg = imwarp(X,tform,OutputView=imref2d(size(ref)),SmoothEdges=true);


眼波传意 2025-01-16 12:56:22


我通过 OpenCV 实现了一个模板匹配算法,您可以使用基于 NCC 的模式匹配来查找目标,然后获得一个分数(相似度)。





for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
    Mat matRotatedSrc, matR = getRotationMatrix2D (ptCenter, vecAngles[i], 1);
    Mat matResult;
    Point ptMaxLoc;
    double dValue, dMaxVal;
    double dRotate = clock ();
    Size sizeBest = GetBestRotationSize (vecMatSrcPyr[iTopLayer].size (), pTemplData->vecPyramid[iTopLayer].size (), vecAngles[i]);
    float fTranslationX = (sizeBest.width - 1) / 2.0f - ptCenter.x;
    float fTranslationY = (sizeBest.height - 1) / 2.0f - ptCenter.y;
    matR.at<double> (0, 2) += fTranslationX;
    matR.at<double> (1, 2) += fTranslationY;
    warpAffine (vecMatSrcPyr[iTopLayer], matRotatedSrc, matR, sizeBest);

    MatchTemplate (matRotatedSrc, pTemplData, matResult, iTopLayer);

    minMaxLoc (matResult, 0, &dMaxVal, 0, &ptMaxLoc);

    vecMatchParameter[i * (m_iMaxPos + MATCH_CANDIDATE_NUM)] = s_MatchParameter (Point2f (ptMaxLoc.x - fTranslationX, ptMaxLoc.y - fTranslationY), dMaxVal, vecAngles[i]);

    for (int j = 0; j < m_iMaxPos + MATCH_CANDIDATE_NUM - 1; j++)
        ptMaxLoc = GetNextMaxLoc (matResult, ptMaxLoc, -1, pTemplData->vecPyramid[iTopLayer].cols, pTemplData->vecPyramid[iTopLayer].rows, dValue, m_dMaxOverlap);
        vecMatchParameter[i * (m_iMaxPos + MATCH_CANDIDATE_NUM) + j + 1] = s_MatchParameter (Point2f (ptMaxLoc.x - fTranslationX, ptMaxLoc.y - fTranslationY), dValue, vecAngles[i]);
FilterWithScore (&vecMatchParameter, m_dScore-0.05*iTopLayer);

Maybe you can refer to my github.

I implemented a template matching algorithm by OpenCV which you can use NCC-Based Pattern Matching to find targets, and then get a score (similarity).

You can then use this score to decide if it is clean.

Besides, tranforming c++ code may be an issue for you, but just find the all corresponded function in matlab version.

Here are effects (red blocks are areas with similarity higher than threshold 0.85 in comparison with golden sample):
enter image description here

The whole function is too long to be posted here.
Part of the function:

for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
    Mat matRotatedSrc, matR = getRotationMatrix2D (ptCenter, vecAngles[i], 1);
    Mat matResult;
    Point ptMaxLoc;
    double dValue, dMaxVal;
    double dRotate = clock ();
    Size sizeBest = GetBestRotationSize (vecMatSrcPyr[iTopLayer].size (), pTemplData->vecPyramid[iTopLayer].size (), vecAngles[i]);
    float fTranslationX = (sizeBest.width - 1) / 2.0f - ptCenter.x;
    float fTranslationY = (sizeBest.height - 1) / 2.0f - ptCenter.y;
    matR.at<double> (0, 2) += fTranslationX;
    matR.at<double> (1, 2) += fTranslationY;
    warpAffine (vecMatSrcPyr[iTopLayer], matRotatedSrc, matR, sizeBest);

    MatchTemplate (matRotatedSrc, pTemplData, matResult, iTopLayer);

    minMaxLoc (matResult, 0, &dMaxVal, 0, &ptMaxLoc);

    vecMatchParameter[i * (m_iMaxPos + MATCH_CANDIDATE_NUM)] = s_MatchParameter (Point2f (ptMaxLoc.x - fTranslationX, ptMaxLoc.y - fTranslationY), dMaxVal, vecAngles[i]);

    for (int j = 0; j < m_iMaxPos + MATCH_CANDIDATE_NUM - 1; j++)
        ptMaxLoc = GetNextMaxLoc (matResult, ptMaxLoc, -1, pTemplData->vecPyramid[iTopLayer].cols, pTemplData->vecPyramid[iTopLayer].rows, dValue, m_dMaxOverlap);
        vecMatchParameter[i * (m_iMaxPos + MATCH_CANDIDATE_NUM) + j + 1] = s_MatchParameter (Point2f (ptMaxLoc.x - fTranslationX, ptMaxLoc.y - fTranslationY), dValue, vecAngles[i]);
FilterWithScore (&vecMatchParameter, m_dScore-0.05*iTopLayer);
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