我有一个包含 id 名称和纬度/经度的点数据框:
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':list('abcde'),'latitude': [38.470628, 37.994155, 38.66937, 34.119578, 36.292307],'longitude': [-121.404586, -121.802341, -121.295325, -117.413791, -119.804074]}) #sample
对于每个 id,我需要计算位于 2 英里半径范围内的(同一数据集的)点的数量。
I have a dataframe of points with its id-name and latitude/longitude:
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':list('abcde'),'latitude': [38.470628, 37.994155, 38.66937, 34.119578, 36.292307],'longitude': [-121.404586, -121.802341, -121.295325, -117.413791, -119.804074]}) #sample
For each id I need to count the number of points (of the same dataset) that are located within a radius of 2 miles from it.
Question: how to do this in the simplest way in Python?
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则给出 array([3, 2, 2, 1, 1])
如果你想返回 indici 并将它们用于聚合, 一种方法是
注意我们在这里使用 indici 而不仅仅是计数;
Sample Data
Extract lat,long and convert to radians. Calculate the needed radius when converted to unit sphere.
Which gives
array([3, 2, 2, 1, 1])
If you want to return the indici and use them for aggregates; one way is to
Note we use indici here and not only count;
And use list comprehension to for instance get the median value for each radius. Be aware the the point itself is always included in its own radius.
这个问题有点模棱两可。您需要的第一个组件是计算两个坐标之间的距离的函数,这需要一些三角学,并且在 以下问题。
The question is somewhat ambiguous. The first component you need is a function to calculate distance between two coordinates, this requires some trigonometry and has several implementations in the following questions.
After you have the function simply loop over all points and calculate. There might be more efficient ways than two nested loop but this is the simplest.