游戏逻辑应该在 android 中的模型-视图 ViewModel 模式中的哪里
我目前正在使用模型-视图 ViewModel 模式开发一个 Android 扑克游戏应用程序,我不确定游戏逻辑的正确位置应该在哪里。目前的架构看起来是这样的:
GameActivity --> GameViewModel --> Repository --> Database
| ^
| :
| :
|-> PokerGame
GameViewModel 调用 PokerGame 方法来初始化游戏并传递玩家的交互。 PokerGame 由 GameViewModel 观察。 PokerGame 有一个内部线程,它会一直运行到游戏结束,并频繁地将数据传递到 GameViewModel,就像当前的 jetons 分布一样。
我正在使用 Room 和 LiveData,因此当数据库发生更改时,GameActivity 始终会触发。
如果存储库保存 PokerGame,更好的方法是什么?
I'm currently developing a poker game app for android using the Model-View ViewModel pattern and I'm not sure where the correct place for the game logic should be. The architecture looks currently something like this:
GameActivity --> GameViewModel --> Repository --> Database
| ^
| :
| :
|-> PokerGame
The GameViewModel calls PokerGame Methods for initialising the game and passing interactions by the player.
The PokerGame is observed by the GameViewModel. The PokerGame has an internal Thread which runs until the game is over and frequently passes data to the GameViewModel, like the current distribution of jetons.
Im working with Room and LiveData, so the GameActivity always triggers when changes are made to the database.
What would be a better approach, should the Repository hold the PokerGame instead?
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在简单的 MVVM 模式中,您获得了表示层(视图和视图模型)和数据层(存储库和数据源,例如您案例中的数据库)。
游戏逻辑在某种程度上是一种业务或领域逻辑。现在演示文稿只是向用户呈现或显示信息。 ViewModel 应该尽可能愚蠢。它们仅显示模型的具体数据。另一方面,数据也不应该了解任何更高的逻辑。
In a simple MVVM pattern you got the presentation layer (view and viewmodel) and the data layer (the repository and datasources, e.g. database in your case).
A game logic is somehow a business or domain logic. Now the presentation is just presenting or showing informations to a user. ViewModels should be as dumb as possible. They only show concrete data of the model. On the otherside data should not know about any higher logic either.
As Mark stated the repository can be seen as domain logic. So in your case the correct place would be the repository.
The repository is (often) seen as part of the data layer to just fetch data (from local database or remote network). That is why i use a domain layer with UseCases.
UseCases have one single usecase and can connect to several repositories to fullfill several task, like setting up a new game, saving a game's state, loading a game, manipulate the game, ending a game's turn and so on. In fact my use cases are often very thin, so that my usecases have an instance of the game engine and the engine connects to any repository if needed.