Vaadin ComboBox Multiselect 用于管理标签

发布于 2025-01-09 02:28:27 字数 250 浏览 8 评论 0原文

是否有 Vaadin 组件或附加组件提供具有多选功能的 ComboBox,其工作方式与大多数标记系统类似? (见图)很像 Stackoverflow 的标签。 如果您也可以通过这种方式添加新标签,那就完美了。


Is there a Vaadin component or add-on that provides a ComboBox with multiselect, that works like most tagging systems work? (see picture) Pretty much like Stackoverflow's tagging.
It would be perfect if you could also add new tags this way.

enter image description here

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三生殊途 2025-01-16 02:28:27

我在 Typescript 中为 Vaadin 22.0.5 制作了这样一个组件。如果您需要 Flow 组件,您可以在它周围添加一个小的 Java 包装器。


token-field.ts 的内容

import "@vaadin/combo-box";
import "@vaadin/icons";
import "@vaadin/custom-field";
import {customElement, state, property, query} from "lit/decorators";
import {Layout} from "Frontend/views/view";
import {css, html, PropertyValues} from "lit";
import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat";
import {ComboBox} from "@vaadin/combo-box";
import styles from "./token-field.css";
import {registerStyles} from "@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/register-styles";

export class TokenField extends Layout {
    private readonly focusEntered = (e: FocusEvent) => {
        const tokenSelection = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('vaadin-combo-box') as ComboBox<string> | null | undefined;

    @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) required: boolean = false;
    @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) invalid: boolean = false;
    @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) unique: boolean = false;
    @property({type: String, reflect: true}) label: string = '';
    @property({type: String, reflect: true, attribute: 'helper-text'}) helperText: string = '';
    @property({type: String, reflect: true, attribute: 'error-message'}) errorMessage: string = '';
    @property({type: Array}) knownTokens: Array<string> = ["IT Sicherheit", "Sicherheit", "Umwelt"];
    @property({type: Array}) tokens: Array<string> = ["IT Sicherheit"];
    @state() private filteredTokens: Array<string> = [];
    @query('vaadin-combo-box') private tokenSelectionComboBox!: ComboBox<string>;

    static get styles() {
        return [styles];

    protected render(): unknown {
        return html`
            <vaadin-custom-field label=${this.label} helper-text=${this.helperText} error-message="${this.errorMessage}" ?required=${this.required} ?invalid=${this.invalid}>
                <div class="input">
                    ${repeat(this.tokens, (token, index) => html`
                        <span class="badge" theme="badge pill">
                            <vaadin-button theme="contrast tertiary-inline" title="Remove token: ${token}" @click="${() => this.tokenRemoveClicked(index)}">
                                <vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:close-small"></vaadin-icon>
                    <vaadin-combo-box .items="${this.filteredTokens}" allow-custom-value @change=${this.tokenSelectionChanged} @custom-value-set=${this.tokenSelectionCustomValueSet} theme="small transparent"></vaadin-combo-box>

    connectedCallback() {
        this.addEventListener('focus', this.focusEntered);

    disconnectedCallback() {
        this.removeEventListener('focus', this.focusEntered);

    protected firstUpdated(_changedProperties: PropertyValues): void {

    private tokenRemoveClicked(index: number): void {
        this.tokens.splice(index, 1);

    private tokenSelectionChanged(event: Event): void {
        const tokenSelection = event.currentTarget as ComboBox<string>;
        const newToken = tokenSelection.value.trim();

        if (this.unique) {
            const index = this.tokens.indexOf(newToken);

            if (index >= 0) {
                this.tokens.splice(index, 1);


        tokenSelection.value = '';

    private tokenSelectionCustomValueSet(event: CustomEvent<string>): void {
        const newToken = event.detail.trim();

        if (this.knownTokens.indexOf(newToken) < 0) {

    private updateFilteredTokens(): void {
        this.filteredTokens = this.knownTokens.filter(token => this.tokens.indexOf(token) < 0);

        :host([theme~='transparent']) [part='input-field'] {
            background-color: transparent;

        :host([theme~='transparent'][focus-ring]) [part='input-field'] {
            box-shadow: initial;

        :host(:hover[theme~='transparent']:not([readonly]):not([focused])) [part='input-field']::after {
            opacity: 0;
    { moduleId: 'token-custom-field-styles' }

token-field.css 的内容

.input {
    min-height: var(--lumo-text-field-size, var(--lumo-size-m));
    background-color: green;
    border-radius: var(--lumo-border-radius-m);
    background-color: var(--lumo-contrast-10pct);
    padding: 0 0 0 3px;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    gap: 0 var(--lumo-space-xs);
    position: relative;

.input::after {
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    border-radius: inherit;
    pointer-events: none;
    background-color: var(--lumo-contrast-50pct);
    opacity: 0;
    transition: transform 0.15s, opacity 0.2s;
    transform-origin: 100% 0;

.badge {
    margin-top: 4px;
    margin-bottom: 4px;

.badge vaadin-button {
    margin-inline-start: var(--lumo-space-xs);

vaadin-custom-field {
    width: inherit;

vaadin-custom-field[focus-ring] .input {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--lumo-primary-color-50pct);

vaadin-custom-field[invalid] .input {
    background-color: var(--lumo-error-color-10pct);

vaadin-custom-field[invalid] .input::after {
    background-color: var(--lumo-error-color-50pct);

vaadin-custom-field[invalid][focus-ring] .input {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--lumo-error-color-50pct);

vaadin-custom-field:hover:not([readonly]):not([focused]) .input::after {
    opacity: 0.1;

vaadin-combo-box {
    padding-top: 0;
    padding-bottom: 0;
    margin-top: 3px;
    margin-bottom: 3px;
    flex: 1 1 auto;

I made such a component for Vaadin 22.0.5, in Typescript. If you need a Flow component you may add a small Java wrapper around it.

enter image description here

Content of token-field.ts

import "@vaadin/combo-box";
import "@vaadin/icons";
import "@vaadin/custom-field";
import {customElement, state, property, query} from "lit/decorators";
import {Layout} from "Frontend/views/view";
import {css, html, PropertyValues} from "lit";
import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat";
import {ComboBox} from "@vaadin/combo-box";
import styles from "./token-field.css";
import {registerStyles} from "@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/register-styles";

export class TokenField extends Layout {
    private readonly focusEntered = (e: FocusEvent) => {
        const tokenSelection = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('vaadin-combo-box') as ComboBox<string> | null | undefined;

    @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) required: boolean = false;
    @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) invalid: boolean = false;
    @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) unique: boolean = false;
    @property({type: String, reflect: true}) label: string = '';
    @property({type: String, reflect: true, attribute: 'helper-text'}) helperText: string = '';
    @property({type: String, reflect: true, attribute: 'error-message'}) errorMessage: string = '';
    @property({type: Array}) knownTokens: Array<string> = ["IT Sicherheit", "Sicherheit", "Umwelt"];
    @property({type: Array}) tokens: Array<string> = ["IT Sicherheit"];
    @state() private filteredTokens: Array<string> = [];
    @query('vaadin-combo-box') private tokenSelectionComboBox!: ComboBox<string>;

    static get styles() {
        return [styles];

    protected render(): unknown {
        return html`
            <vaadin-custom-field label=${this.label} helper-text=${this.helperText} error-message="${this.errorMessage}" ?required=${this.required} ?invalid=${this.invalid}>
                <div class="input">
                    ${repeat(this.tokens, (token, index) => html`
                        <span class="badge" theme="badge pill">
                            <vaadin-button theme="contrast tertiary-inline" title="Remove token: ${token}" @click="${() => this.tokenRemoveClicked(index)}">
                                <vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:close-small"></vaadin-icon>
                    <vaadin-combo-box .items="${this.filteredTokens}" allow-custom-value @change=${this.tokenSelectionChanged} @custom-value-set=${this.tokenSelectionCustomValueSet} theme="small transparent"></vaadin-combo-box>

    connectedCallback() {
        this.addEventListener('focus', this.focusEntered);

    disconnectedCallback() {
        this.removeEventListener('focus', this.focusEntered);

    protected firstUpdated(_changedProperties: PropertyValues): void {

    private tokenRemoveClicked(index: number): void {
        this.tokens.splice(index, 1);

    private tokenSelectionChanged(event: Event): void {
        const tokenSelection = event.currentTarget as ComboBox<string>;
        const newToken = tokenSelection.value.trim();

        if (this.unique) {
            const index = this.tokens.indexOf(newToken);

            if (index >= 0) {
                this.tokens.splice(index, 1);


        tokenSelection.value = '';

    private tokenSelectionCustomValueSet(event: CustomEvent<string>): void {
        const newToken = event.detail.trim();

        if (this.knownTokens.indexOf(newToken) < 0) {

    private updateFilteredTokens(): void {
        this.filteredTokens = this.knownTokens.filter(token => this.tokens.indexOf(token) < 0);

        :host([theme~='transparent']) [part='input-field'] {
            background-color: transparent;

        :host([theme~='transparent'][focus-ring]) [part='input-field'] {
            box-shadow: initial;

        :host(:hover[theme~='transparent']:not([readonly]):not([focused])) [part='input-field']::after {
            opacity: 0;
    { moduleId: 'token-custom-field-styles' }

Content of token-field.css

.input {
    min-height: var(--lumo-text-field-size, var(--lumo-size-m));
    background-color: green;
    border-radius: var(--lumo-border-radius-m);
    background-color: var(--lumo-contrast-10pct);
    padding: 0 0 0 3px;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    gap: 0 var(--lumo-space-xs);
    position: relative;

.input::after {
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    border-radius: inherit;
    pointer-events: none;
    background-color: var(--lumo-contrast-50pct);
    opacity: 0;
    transition: transform 0.15s, opacity 0.2s;
    transform-origin: 100% 0;

.badge {
    margin-top: 4px;
    margin-bottom: 4px;

.badge vaadin-button {
    margin-inline-start: var(--lumo-space-xs);

vaadin-custom-field {
    width: inherit;

vaadin-custom-field[focus-ring] .input {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--lumo-primary-color-50pct);

vaadin-custom-field[invalid] .input {
    background-color: var(--lumo-error-color-10pct);

vaadin-custom-field[invalid] .input::after {
    background-color: var(--lumo-error-color-50pct);

vaadin-custom-field[invalid][focus-ring] .input {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--lumo-error-color-50pct);

vaadin-custom-field:hover:not([readonly]):not([focused]) .input::after {
    opacity: 0.1;

vaadin-combo-box {
    padding-top: 0;
    padding-bottom: 0;
    margin-top: 3px;
    margin-bottom: 3px;
    flex: 1 1 auto;
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