我可以通过蓝牙传输数据(字符串),但我无法进行图像传输。 我想通过蓝牙从 PC 应用程序接收图像,存储它们,并在需要时在我的 Android 应用程序中获取它们。
文件对于这个目的有用吗? 任何帮助表示赞赏。 任何参考代码(如果有)请分享。
I am able to transfer data (a string) over Bluetooth but I'm stuck with image transfer.
I want to receive images from a PC app via Bluetooth, store them, and fetch them in my Android app when needed.
Is files useful for the purpose?
Any help appreciated.
Any reference code if available please do share.
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如果您与对等方连接,则可以获得BluetoothSocket 对象。它给你一个OutputStream,你可以写任何你想要的东西。从 android 3.0 开始,您可以构建自己的蓝牙配置文件或使用预定义的。不幸的是它不支持任何图像推送(BIP,OPP等),所以你必须实现它(可能你在PC端使用的API有它)。您始终可以构建原始二进制协议。
If you are connected with a peer, you can obtain BluetoothSocket object. It gives you a OutputStream and you can write whatever you want. Since android 3.0 you can build own bluetooth profile or use predefined. Unfortunately it doesn't support any image pushes (BIP, OPP, etc.), so you have to implement it ( probbaly API which you use on PC side has it ). You can always build raw binary protocol.