QuickBooks 在线修改发票
我正在将 QuickBooks Online 与 java 集成。我想修改发票、客户和项目服务。我已经成功完成了 Itemservices 和 Customers,但是当我为 Invoices 执行此操作时,我收到错误: statusCode="1030" statusMessage="Not support"
I am integrating QuickBooks Online With java . The i want to modify Invoices, Customers and Itemservices. I have successfully done with Itemservices and Customers but when i do it for Invoices i get an error : statusCode="1030" statusMessage="Not supported"
Please Help.
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如果您参考 QuickBooks OSR(请确保取消选中 US ,并检查 OE),或者在 Google 中搜索有关 QuickBooks Online InvoiceMod 的答案,您会发现此操作实际上是“不支持”。
请注意,如果您构建 SaaS 应用程序(软件即服务),那么您不应该使用 qbXML 接口。相反,您应该使用 Intuit 合作伙伴平台,该平台没有这个限制。
If you refer to the QuickBooks OSR (make sure you uncheck US, and check OE), or searched Google for an answer regarding QuickBooks Online InvoiceMod, you'd find that this operation is, in fact, "Not supported".
Note that if you're building a SaaS application (software as a service), then you SHOULD NOT be using the qbXML interface. Instead, you should be using the Intuit Partner Platform, which doesn't have this limitation.