什么是“Local.testsettings”和“TraceAndTestImpact.testsettings” Visual Studio 在初始化新测试项目时创建的文件?
当使用 Visual Studio 创建新的测试项目时,会创建这两个文件,这些文件的用途是什么?如果使用 Visual Studio 运行测试,显然不需要这些文件。
When create a new test project using visual studio these 2 files are created, what's the purpose of these files? If to run the tests using Visual Studio, these files apparently is not needed.
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local.testsetting主要用来定义你的测试属性。假设您有一组想要使用远程控制器计算机执行的测试用例,您可以在此设置文件的“主机”部分中配置这些远程控制器计算机。还有多个其他测试属性,例如“TestTimeout:为所有测试用例设置特定超时”、“Setup & Cleanup Script':如果您希望在运行任何测试之前和所有测试用例执行之后运行一些脚本。您可以将此文件作为此测试项目中所有测试用例的全局设置文件。
将有另一个扩展名为 .VSMDI 的文件。该文件包含该测试项目中的测试用例列表。您可以使用它对测试用例进行分组。例如,假设您有一组测试用例想要集成到自动构建系统中,并且您还有一些其他测试用例(例如打开浏览器并检查某些元素),您不想与您的系统集成构建系统。所以可以使用这个 .vsmdi 来完成所有这些分组。
Local.testsetting mainly used to define your test attributes. Lets assume you have set of test cases that you want to execute using a remote controller machine that you can configure in 'Host' section in this setting file. Also there are multiple other test attributes like 'TestTimeout: to set specific timeout for all your test cases, 'Setup & Cleanup Script': if you wish to run some script before running any test and after all your test cases executes. You can take this file as a Global setting file for your all test cases within this test project.
There will be another file with extension .VSMDI. This file contains list of test cases within this test project. And you can group test cases using this. For example, lets assume you have set of test cases that you want to integrate in your automatic build system and you have some other test cases (Like something opening a browser and check for some element) that you don't want to integrate with your build system. So can do all this grouping using this .vsmdi.