iPhone - 使用游戏中心的在线多人游戏教程
我正在尝试实现游戏中心来在我的应用程序中进行在线多人游戏,但是阅读Apple文档就像蒙着眼睛试图破译在火星巨石上发现的外星人铭文一样。我已经尝试过 Ray Wenderlichs 的这些教程 第 1 部分 和 第 2 部分< /a>,但它们不起作用(比赛永远不会开始,因为邀请设备从未收到比赛接受)。
有没有像我们教 5 岁孩子那样的教程来教授这个?这样做,再这样做,再这样做,不需要显通才能明白吗?
请不要提及 Apple 的任何教程、示例或文档(否则我会崩溃)。苹果在创造令人惊叹的设备方面非常出色,但他们所有的文档都令人厌恶。谢谢。
I am trying to implement game center to do an online multiplayer in my app, but reading Apple docs is like trying to decipher an alien inscription found on a monolith in mars, blindfolded. I have tried these tutorials by Ray Wenderlichs Part 1 and part 2, but they are not working (match never starts because inviting device never receives the match acceptance).
Is there any tutorial created to teach this as we would do to teach a 5 y.o. children? Do this, then do this, then do this and not require exoteric powers to understand?
Please don't mention any tutorial, sample or doc from Apple (or I will snap). Apple is great for creating amazing devices, but all their docs stink infinity squared. thanks.
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事实上,我认为苹果的文档非常精彩。请不要啪啪啪。 :)
但他们不会为您提供详细的、逐步的、掌握的建议,原因是:这种详细程度容易频繁更改,并且取决于许多因素(即设备、操作系统版本、SDK 版本、蓝牙、Wifi、3G 等)几乎可以保证您的体验会有所不同。当一个乐于助人的开发人员编写教程时,当然也会出现同样的问题。意思是:描述越详细,对更多人来说失败的可能性就越大,文章越旧,失败的可能性就越大。
Actually, I think Apple's docs are quite wonderful. Please don't snap. :)
But they won't give you detailed, step-by-step, handholding advice for a reason: this level of detail is prone to frequent changes, and depends on a number of factors (ie device, OS version, SDK version, bluetooth, Wifi, 3G, etc.) that it is almost guaranteed that your experience will vary. The same problem of course arises when a helpful developer writes a tutorial. Meaning: the more detailed the description the more likely it'll fail for a greater number of people, more so the older the article is.
Anyhow, usually if the other device doesn't respond there are often simple reasons that aren't directly related to the code. From the top of my head these are all issues I've ran into before:
There's probably a dozen or more of these kinds of issues. I'm pretty sure Ray's tutorial works in general. And you'll hardly find any other tutorials more descriptive than his.