VB6 到 Java 转换器
我有一些代码需要从 VB6 转换为 Java。我在google上找到了很多VB.NET的工具。有什么免费工具可以完成我的工作吗?
I have some code needs to be converted to Java from VB6. I found many tools in google for VB.NET. Any free tools which can do my job?
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一种想法可能是查看 Jabaco。
该产品是一个 IDE、编译器和库,可让您使用一种非常类似于 VB6 的语言来编译为 Java 字节码。因此,您可能会以这种方式开始,并随着时间的推移逐渐将应用程序的部分内容手动转换为 Java。
这类似于将 VB6 代码库迁移到 .Net 的更成功的方法之一,但没有互操作问题。
Jabaco 不是 VB6,因此转换并非易事。但它比 VB.Net 更接近,所以这让它不那么痛苦了。理想情况下,您应该有一个了解一些 Java 的强大 VB6 开发人员和一个了解一些 VB6 的强大 Java 开发人员,他们一起工作以实现这一切。
与任何新的开发系统一样,需要投入一些时间来跟上它的怪癖、与 VB6 的差异以及获得工作程序所需的各种构造替换。
One idea might be to look at Jabaco.
This product is an IDE, compiler, and library that lets you work in a very VB6-like language that compiles to Java bytecode. So you might begin this way and gradually convert parts of the application to Java by hand over time.
This is similar to one of the more successful ways to migrate a VB6 codebase to .Net, but without the Interop issues.
Jabaco is not VB6, so conversion isn't trivial. But it is much closer than VB.Net ever was, so this makes it a little less painful. Ideally you'd have a strong VB6 developer who knows some Java and a strong Java developer who knows some VB6 work together to make it all happen.
Like any new development system, it will take some investment in time to get up to speed with its quirks, differences from VB6, and various construct substitutions required to get a working program.
Since it is free at present it costs nothing to take a look!