提供的 DisplayObject 必须是调用者的子对象
我有一个名为 mc 的容器,在他内部我生成了一个电影剪辑网格,以便制作一堵选项墙。当我选择此选项之一时,会出现以下消息:
错误#2025:提供的 DisplayObject 必须是 来电者..
In the Class iniciarApp I've this: var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); var grilla:Grilla = new Grilla(); mc.x = 0; mc.y = 0; mc.name = "square"; addChild(mc); grilla.name = "grilla"; grilla.x = mc.x; grilla.y = mc.y; mc.addChild(grilla); ---------- in Grilla.as: public class Grilla extends MovieClip { private var boxNum:int = 48; private var cols:int = 6; private var rows:int = Math.ceil(boxNum / cols); private var boxCount:int = 0; public function Grilla(){ for (var py:int = 0; py < rows; py++) { for (var px:int = 0; px < cols; px++) { var caja:clip = new clip(); caja.x = -115 + caja.width * px; caja.y = -150 + caja.height * py; caja.name = "opcion" + (py + 1); caja.mouseChildren = false; var contentText = new TextField(); var formato = new TextFormat(); formato.size = 14; contentText.defaultTextFormat = formato; contentText.width = 36; contentText.height = 34; contentText.x = -10; contentText.y = -10; for (var u:uint = 0; u < boxNum; u++) { contentText.text = "" + u; } addChild(caja); caja.addChild(contentText); if (boxCount < boxNum) { caja.buttonMode = true; caja.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, seleccionarOpcion); } boxCount++; } } var barra:score = new score(); barra.x = 80; barra.y = -200; barra.puntajeTXT.text = "hola"; addChild(barra); } private function seleccionarOpcion(m:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(MovieClip(m.target), 0.5, {scaleY: -1}); m.target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, seleccionarOpcion); m.target.buttonMode = false; var opcionABuscar:String; opcionABuscar = m.currentTarget.name; var opt:String = opcionABuscar.substring(6); **[HERE] i need to remove the instance of grilla created in the other class** **m.currentTarget.parent.parent.removeChild(grilla);** << this is not working var trivia:generarTrivia = new generarTrivia(opt); trivia.x = 0; trivia.y = 0; trivia.name = "trivia"; addChild(trivia); } }
I've a container called mc, inside of him I generate a grid of movieclips in order to make a wall of options. When I select one of this option, this message appears:
Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the
The code is:
In the Class iniciarApp I've this: var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); var grilla:Grilla = new Grilla(); mc.x = 0; mc.y = 0; mc.name = "square"; addChild(mc); grilla.name = "grilla"; grilla.x = mc.x; grilla.y = mc.y; mc.addChild(grilla); ---------- in Grilla.as: public class Grilla extends MovieClip { private var boxNum:int = 48; private var cols:int = 6; private var rows:int = Math.ceil(boxNum / cols); private var boxCount:int = 0; public function Grilla(){ for (var py:int = 0; py < rows; py++) { for (var px:int = 0; px < cols; px++) { var caja:clip = new clip(); caja.x = -115 + caja.width * px; caja.y = -150 + caja.height * py; caja.name = "opcion" + (py + 1); caja.mouseChildren = false; var contentText = new TextField(); var formato = new TextFormat(); formato.size = 14; contentText.defaultTextFormat = formato; contentText.width = 36; contentText.height = 34; contentText.x = -10; contentText.y = -10; for (var u:uint = 0; u < boxNum; u++) { contentText.text = "" + u; } addChild(caja); caja.addChild(contentText); if (boxCount < boxNum) { caja.buttonMode = true; caja.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, seleccionarOpcion); } boxCount++; } } var barra:score = new score(); barra.x = 80; barra.y = -200; barra.puntajeTXT.text = "hola"; addChild(barra); } private function seleccionarOpcion(m:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(MovieClip(m.target), 0.5, {scaleY: -1}); m.target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, seleccionarOpcion); m.target.buttonMode = false; var opcionABuscar:String; opcionABuscar = m.currentTarget.name; var opt:String = opcionABuscar.substring(6); **[HERE] i need to remove the instance of grilla created in the other class** **m.currentTarget.parent.parent.removeChild(grilla);** << this is not working var trivia:generarTrivia = new generarTrivia(opt); trivia.x = 0; trivia.y = 0; trivia.name = "trivia"; addChild(trivia); } }
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尽管这不是最干净的方法。您最好调度 iniciarApp 将侦听的事件。
Try parent.removeChild(this);
Although it's not the most clean way to do it. You'd be better off dispatching an event that iniciarApp will listen to.
It's not clear from the code above what the object "grilla" actually is referring to.
If you are trying to remove grilla, you could just write:
I'm not sure if that's what you're trying to do. If you're trying to remove the object you just clicked, try:
Update: Ok, I see what you are trying to do now.
You'll want to use the keyword "this" to refer to the current instance of "grilla".
Try this: