Some companies indeed use JIRA Project as clients, and use JIRA Components (which are parts of a project) as the projects.
Note that permissions, issue types and other configuration "schemes" in JIRA are configured per-project, not per-component. That means that with this schema you will be able to set up permissions for all issues belonging to a specific client.
Versions are also set per JIRA Project, i.e. per client in this case, which also might not be good.
JIRA also has Project Categories. If you have a small number of clients, you might do better with assigning a client to a project category, and then project will be JIRA project.
有些公司确实使用 JIRA Project 作为客户端,并使用 JIRA Components(项目的一部分)作为项目。
请注意,JIRA 中的权限、问题类型和其他配置“方案”是按项目配置的,而不是按组件配置的。这意味着使用此架构,您将能够为属于特定客户端的所有问题设置权限。
版本也是按 JIRA 项目设置的,即本例中按客户端设置的,这也可能不好。
JIRA 也有项目类别。如果您的客户数量较少,您可能会更好地将客户分配到项目类别,然后项目将是JIRA项目。
Some companies indeed use JIRA Project as clients, and use JIRA Components (which are parts of a project) as the projects.
Note that permissions, issue types and other configuration "schemes" in JIRA are configured per-project, not per-component. That means that with this schema you will be able to set up permissions for all issues belonging to a specific client.
Versions are also set per JIRA Project, i.e. per client in this case, which also might not be good.
JIRA also has Project Categories. If you have a small number of clients, you might do better with assigning a client to a project category, and then project will be JIRA project.