Google Notifier 和嵌套标签
我的公司从 Exchange 切换到 GMail,由于我已经有一个 GMail 帐户,所以我决定将所有公司电子邮件转发到我的个人帐户。为了让事情井然有序并满足我的强迫症,我有大量的过滤器和标签。 Google Notifier 很烦人,因为它只会提醒您一个标签中的新项目。您可以通过在终端中输入以下内容来在某种程度上破解它(在 Mac 上):默认写入 Label -string "LABEL NAME HERE",无论是收件箱还是您自己的收件箱。
因此,我灵光一闪,编写了一个 AppleScript,它从存储在我的 Documents 文件夹中的文本文件中读取所有顶级标签,循环遍历它们,运行 shell 脚本来更改 Google Notifier 正在检查的标签,然后使用Little Growl hackery 及其插件将它们显示为 Growl 通知。甜的!设置在标签和空闲调用之间移动的延迟,并让它运行一整天。 (实际上我不进行空闲调用,我检查时间并执行一段时间不等于x循环)。
好的,接下来我的问题。请参阅 OCD 评论。我有很多父子关系的标签,例如 Sports 有 Karate、Lacrosse、WestMont 和 KidsSports 的子标签。长曲棍球本身有几个子级别,供我的孩子参加的各个球队使用。我可以通过以下代码访问体育: Label -string "Sports" 但如果我输入 Label -string "Sports/Lacrosse" 则没有骰子。如果我只输入 Lacrosse,它也找不到。那么有人知道获得子标签的正确路径吗?
My company switched from Exchange to GMail and since I already had a GMail account I decided to forward all the company email to my personal one. To keep things organized and to satisfy my OCD I have a ton of filters and labels. Google Notifier is annoying as it will only alert you to new items in one label. You can hack that to some extent (on a Mac) by typing this into Terminal: defaults write Label -string "LABEL NAME HERE", be it the Inbox or one of your own.
So, in a flash of brilliance I hacked together an AppleScript that reads all my top level labels from a text file stored in my Documents folder, loops through them, runs a shell script to change which label Google Notifier is checking and then, with a little Growl hackery and their plug-in displays them as a Growl notification. Sweet! Set a delay for moving between labels and an idle call and let it run all day. (Actually I don't do an idle call, I check the time and do a while the time doesn't equal x loop).
OK, so on to my question. Refer back to the OCD comment. I have a lot of labels that are parent->child relationships, for example Sports has sub labels of Karate, Lacrosse, WestMont and KidsSports. Lacrosse itself has several sub levels for the various teams my kids play on. I can access Sports through this code: Label -string "Sports" but if I put in Label -string "Sports/Lacrosse" no dice. If I put in just Lacrosse it doesn't find it either. So does anyone know the correct path to get to child labels?
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