I've been playing with SQL Server 2012 since the very first beta and this is not a full-text enhancement that I have heard of (and I have been talking about several others in my presentations on new features at various events, including the change to proximity and semantic search).
Seems like hit-highlighting was an "important feature" back in 2007, according to Connect Item #295100 : Full-text search summaries (hit-highlighting). But in spite of that comment from Microsoft that it is an important feature and they didn't add it in 2008 only because they ran out of time, we still don't see it in 2008 R2 or 2012, and the item has since been closed as "Won't Fix" without any further explanation. I will try to prod for more information (I have a few ins over in Redmond) but I can't promise anything. Another one has been opened in the meantime: Connect Item #722324 : Would be nice if SQL Full Text Search provided snippet / highlighting support. This one will probably be closed either as a duplicate of the above item, or simply closed as "Won't Fix." Unless there is compelling information for them to do otherwise. Which is where you come in!
You may want to vote for these two items (even the one that's closed) and add a comment explaining your use case. While votes do count for something, and you might think these suggestions are being brushed off because the vote counts aren't high, that's definitely not the only factor involved. In order to justify investment in new features they need to have substantial evidence that adding the feature will save a business money, make them more productive, make them more profitable, or sell more licenses. So don't just say "well I want it" - explain why. I get into some details about qualitative bug comments in my blog post from last September, entitled, "Want your bug fixed? File a good bug!" Never mind the title, there is information about suggestions too, not just bugs.
I've had some exposure to a new plugin called ThinkHighlight that provides this functionality. I haven't had the opportunity to thoroughly test it or provide a decent review, but I can tell you that it does exactly what you would expect: provide flexible hit highlighting across languages.
我从第一个测试版开始就一直在使用 SQL Server 2012,这并不是我听说过的全文增强功能(我在各种活动中关于新功能的演示中一直在谈论其他几个功能,包括更改接近度和语义搜索)。
据连接项目#295100:全文搜索摘要(命中突出显示)。但是,尽管 Microsoft 评论说这是一个重要的功能,而且他们在 2008 年没有添加它只是因为时间不够,但我们在 2008 R2 或 2012 中仍然没有看到它,并且此后该项目已被删除。关闭为“不会修复”,没有任何进一步的解释。我会尝试询问更多信息(我在雷德蒙德有一些信息),但我不能承诺任何事情。与此同时,另一个已打开:连接项目#722324:如果 SQL 全文搜索提供片段/突出显示支持,那就太好了。该项目可能会作为上述项目的重复项而关闭,或者只是作为“无法修复”而关闭。除非有令人信服的信息让他们不这样做。这就是你进来的地方!
您可能想为这两项(甚至是已关闭的一项)投票,并添加一条评论来解释您的用例。虽然选票确实很重要,而且您可能会认为这些建议因为票数不高而被忽视,但这绝对不是唯一涉及的因素。为了证明对新功能的投资是合理的,他们需要有充分的证据证明添加该功能将为企业节省资金、提高生产力、提高利润或出售更多许可证。所以不要只是说“好吧,我想要它”——解释一下原因。我在去年九月的博客文章中详细了解了定性错误评论,标题为“想要修复您的错误吗?提交一个好的错误!" 别介意标题,还有有关建议的信息,而不仅仅是错误。
我接触过一个名为 ThinkHighlight 的新插件,它提供了此功能。我还没有机会彻底测试它或提供像样的评论,但我可以告诉你,它完全符合你的期望:提供跨语言的灵活的命中突出显示。
I've been playing with SQL Server 2012 since the very first beta and this is not a full-text enhancement that I have heard of (and I have been talking about several others in my presentations on new features at various events, including the change to proximity and semantic search).
Seems like hit-highlighting was an "important feature" back in 2007, according to Connect Item #295100 : Full-text search summaries (hit-highlighting). But in spite of that comment from Microsoft that it is an important feature and they didn't add it in 2008 only because they ran out of time, we still don't see it in 2008 R2 or 2012, and the item has since been closed as "Won't Fix" without any further explanation. I will try to prod for more information (I have a few ins over in Redmond) but I can't promise anything. Another one has been opened in the meantime: Connect Item #722324 : Would be nice if SQL Full Text Search provided snippet / highlighting support. This one will probably be closed either as a duplicate of the above item, or simply closed as "Won't Fix." Unless there is compelling information for them to do otherwise. Which is where you come in!
You may want to vote for these two items (even the one that's closed) and add a comment explaining your use case. While votes do count for something, and you might think these suggestions are being brushed off because the vote counts aren't high, that's definitely not the only factor involved. In order to justify investment in new features they need to have substantial evidence that adding the feature will save a business money, make them more productive, make them more profitable, or sell more licenses. So don't just say "well I want it" - explain why. I get into some details about qualitative bug comments in my blog post from last September, entitled, "Want your bug fixed? File a good bug!" Never mind the title, there is information about suggestions too, not just bugs.
I've had some exposure to a new plugin called ThinkHighlight that provides this functionality. I haven't had the opportunity to thoroughly test it or provide a decent review, but I can tell you that it does exactly what you would expect: provide flexible hit highlighting across languages.