在 Umbraco 和 Orchard ASP.NET CMS 之间做出选择
既然这两个系统都是基于 ASP.NET MVC 构建的,那么有人有处理这两个系统的经验吗?希望为朋友建立一个小型商业网站,最终将拥有一个在线商店。我读过很多帖子,但最近没有读过(自从 Umbraco 5 发布以来)。如果您有经验,只需寻找优点和缺点。任何与商务功能相关的东西也会很有帮助。谢谢。
Now that both system's are built on ASP.NET MVC, does anyone have any experience dealing with both? Looking to set up a small business site for a friend, that will eventually have an online store. I've read a lot of posts, but nothing recent ( since Umbraco 5 was released ). If you've had experience, just looking for pros and cons. Anything related to commerce functionality would be helpful as well. Thank you.
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Orchard 是围绕 ASP.NET MVC 3 从头开始构建的。我个人更喜欢那个,因为它设计精良、非常活跃并且得到了 Microsoft 的支持。当然,完全免费。
如果您正在寻找电子商务解决方案 - 有一个新的、非常有前途的模块,称为 WebShop,以及 完整教程。
Orchard has been built from ground-up around ASP.NET MVC 3. I personally prefer that one, as it's well designed, very active and backed by Microsoft. And, of course, totally free.
If you are looking for e-commerce solution - there is a new, very promising module called WebShop, along with a full tutorial.
Orchard 非常动态,您可以用部件构建您的网站,电子商务模块将能够提供可以呈现为部分视图的部件。另一个自定义模块可以在其中注入其他视图。它的可扩展性非常好,我喜欢它。您可以仅允许商店管理员等访问管理面板。
我不知道以 ASP.NET MVC 为基础的 Umbraco,但我知道 Orchard 来自 Outercurve Foundation,我非常喜欢。
Orchard 画廊 - Mageliawebstore
直接 Mageliawebstore
Orchard is very dynamic and u can build your site out of parts, a e-commerce module would be able to provide parts that can be rendered as partial views. Another custom module could inject other views in there. It's just very extensible and i like it. U can allow some access to the admin panel just for store administrators etc.
I don't know about Umbraco with ASP.NET MVC as base, but i know Orchard is from Outercurve Foundation which i like alot.
As far as i know there is just one real commerce module, but i don't know if it is any good
Orchard gallery - Mageliawebstore
Mageliawebstore directly
您好,不了解 Orchard,但 Umbraco V5 非常适合小型企业。您最近没有阅读很多帖子的原因是该架构是全新的。预计下个月会有大量文档。但是,如果您在后端使用为您呈现一些默认代码的创建模板对话框,您已经可以从获得大量信息的网站开始。
关于电子商务,我知道 UWebshop 和 UCommerce 已经在 Umbraco V5 之上构建其产品的下一个版本,因此预计很快就会有一个完全集成的电子商务解决方案。
Hi Don't know about Orchard but Umbraco V5 is ideal for a small business. The reason that you don't read a lot of post recently is that the Architecture is completely new. Expect a lot of documentation in the coming month. But you can already start with the site you get a lot of info if you are using the create template dialog in the backend which renders some default code for you.
Regarding Ecommerce I know the Package vendors of UWebshop and UCommerce are already building next versions of their products on top of Umbraco V5 so expect a fully integrated Ecommerce solution soon.
这是一个与时间相关的答案,但如果您想要一个基于 MVC 的 .NET CMS,那么此时您在两者之间唯一真正的选择是 Orchard。 Umbraco 5 提前退役,因此又回到了 Webforms,尽管从 4.10 开始 MVC 支持已经固定,而且我相信有一些模块也为 4.x 提供了一些 MVC 支持。另一方面,Orchard 是从头开始构建在 ASP.NET MVC 3 之上的,并且 结合了一些其他很酷的技术,使编写符合行业标准最佳实践的干净代码变得更加容易。
This is a time-relative answer, but if you want an MVC based .NET CMS then your only real choice between the two is Orchard at this time. Umbraco 5 saw an early retirement so it's back to webforms, although as of 4.10 MVC support was bolted on and I believe there are some modules out there that give 4.x some MVC support as well. Orchard, on the other hand, is built on ASP.NET MVC 3 from the ground up and incorporates a handful of other cool technologies that make writing clean code that adheres to industry standard best practices easier.