在 JavaScript 中更改默认图像扩展名
在我的 HTML 代码中我有image src="abc.jpeg"
当我右键单击时,我希望将此图像保存为 def.jpg
I have a page in my site, displaying images. When I right click on an image and click Save Image As I get as default name. I want to change the image name on right click and save it.
This is for example:
In my HTML code I haveimage src="abc.jpeg"
When I right click, I want this image to be saved as def.jpg
Is there a way to do this?
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据我所知,你不能用 JavaScript 做到这一点。这只能在服务器端处理。
如果您使用 PHP,一个简单的解决方案是使用 header()< /a>.
当然,您可以用变量替换 download.pdf 。
来自 PHP 文档:
As far as I know, you can't do that with JavaScript. This is something that can only be handled on the server-side.
If you're using PHP, a simple solution would be to use header().
You can replace download.pdf by a variable of course.
From the PHP documentation:
在 body 标记中添加
oncontextmenu="return false;"
属性。它将禁用上下文菜单(希望如此?!)!如果您想要自定义上下文菜单,则只需使用少量 css 和脚本即可完成。为单击事件附加事件处理程序,并在发生左键或右键单击时执行操作。
Well there's a way to do this.. but i'm not sure if it works with most of the browsers.
oncontextmenu="return false;"
attribute in your body tag. It will disable the context menu (hopefully ?!) !And if you want custom context menu then do it with little css and script. Attach event handler for click event and carry out action when left or right click is occurred.
我猜您想链接到大版本的缩略图。因此,只需在图像标签周围放置一个链接 (
浏览器可能会使用下载路径中的文件名。您无法动态更改 src 属性(通过脚本),因为这会加载另一个文件。您可以做的是交付包含已在其所需文件名下的文件的页面,但要在服务器上完成。
因此选项 #2 正在开始(新)文件下载。在
标头中,您可以动态(在服务器上)为发送的内容建议任何文件名。要开始下载,只需将图像包装到链接中(您甚至可以更改该链接的 href 属性)。或者您可能想要构建一个自定义上下文菜单以将下载链接显示为[另存为]按钮(如何做到这一点将是另一个问题的问题)。选项 #3 是在新选项卡/窗口中打开文件,对其应用
document.execCommand("SaveAs", [...])
并再次关闭选项卡/窗口。不幸的是,这仅在 Internet Explorer 中受支持;请参阅 execCommand SaveAs 在 Firefox 中工作吗? 了解这一点和建议。Don't do it, not every browser will support it (opt-out for contextmenu events is also possible in some). Why should you want to do so?
I guess you want to link to the big versions of your thumbnails. So just put a link (
) around your image tags and everyone will be happy. When you indicate the link with a descriptive tooltip, it would be even better.EDIT:
When you have an image already included in a page, you can't change the default title the user agent will offer when you click [Save as]. Point, no exeptions.
The browser will likely use the file name from the download path. You can't change the src attribute dynamically (by script), because that would make another file load. What you can do is deliver the page with the files already under their aspired file names, but is to be done at the server.
So option #2 is starting a (new) file download. In the
header you can dynamically (at the server) propose any filename for the sent content. For starting the download, just wrap your image into a link (of which you even can change the href attribute). Or you might want to build a custom context menu to display the download link as a [Save as] button (how to do so would be the matter of a different question).Option #3 would be to open the file in a new tab/window, apply
document.execCommand("SaveAs", [...])
on it and close the tab/window again. Unfortunately, this is only supported in Internet Explorer; see Does execCommand SaveAs work in Firefox? for this and the suggestions.您可以将其放入图像中
You put this in the image
or you can do it in a separate function