使用 IBM RAD / Eclipse DTP 连接到 Oracle 10 时要使用什么驱动程序?
我正在使用 IBM RAD 7.5.5(基本上是 eclipse 3.4 (ganymede) + 插件)。
我正在尝试使用“Data Source Explorer”视图创建与 Oracle 10 的连接。
当我为 Oracle 创建新连接时,有三个“驱动程序”选项:
“Oracle 10 - Oracle OCI 驱动程序默认”
“Oracle 10 - Oracle瘦驱动程序默认值”
“Oracle 10 - 其他驱动程序默认值”
1 & 2 对我不起作用,因为我需要使用“服务名称”而不是“SID”连接到数据库。该对话框没有提供指定服务名称的选项,也不允许我手动指定连接 URL。 (服务名称具有不同的 URL 语法,使用“\”而不是“:”,就像这样...
使用 SID:jdbc:oracle:oci:@localhost:1521:the_sid
使用服务名称:jdbc:oracle:oci :@localhost:1521\the_sevrice_name
所以...我想使用选项#3,它允许我手动指定 URL 问题是我将驱动程序文件 ojdbc14.jar 添加到JAR 列表,但它一直告诉我“无效的 JAR 定义;驱动程序列表未定义”,
谢谢, 抢
I'm using IBM RAD 7.5.5 (which is basically eclipse 3.4 (ganymede) + plugins).
I'm trying to create a connection to Oracle 10 using the "Data Source Explorer" view.
When I create a new connection for Oracle, there are three "driver" options:
"Oracle 10 - Oracle OCI Driver Default"
"Oracle 10 - Oracle Thin Driver Default"
"Oracle 10 - Other Driver Default"
1 & 2 don't work for me because I need to connect to the db using a "Service Name", not an "SID". The dialog box does not give me the option of specifying a Service Name, and it does not allow me to manually specify the connection URL. (Service Name has a different URL syntax, uses a '\' instead of a ':", like so ...
With SID: jdbc:oracle:oci:@localhost:1521:the_sid
With Service Name: jdbc:oracle:oci:@localhost:1521\the_sevrice_name
So ... I want to use option #3 which allows me to specify the URL manually. The problem is I add the driver file ojdbc14.jar to the JAR list, but it keeps telling me "Invalid JAR definition; driver list not defined".
Can anyone help? I'm really stuck on this. :(
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虽然我无法使用 Eclipse/DTP“数据源资源管理器”与“服务名称”建立连接,但我能够使用 SQL Developer 与“服务名称”建立连接。连接到 SQL Developer 后,我做了一个……
来确定数据库的 SID。
通过 SID,我可以使用选项 #1 和 ojdbc14.jar 中包含的驱动程序进行连接。
FYI, at long last I found a solution to my problem.
While I was never able to establish the connection with the "Service Name" using Eclipse/DTP "Data Source Explorer", I was able to establish the connection with "Service Name" using SQL Developer. Once connected with SQL Developer, I did a ...
... to determine the database's SID.
With the SID I was able to connect with option #1 and the driver contained in ojdbc14.jar.
Thanks all, Rob
如果您在最近安装的 RAD 或 Eclipse 中无法使用更新版本的 Oracle(例如 Oracle 12),您应该尝试执行以下操作:
现在您可以修复驱动程序属性。为了最终能够调用 jar 中的瘦客户端,此步骤是必要的。
If you are stuck with a more recent version of Oracle (e.g. Oracle 12) on a recent RAD or Eclipse installation you should try to do the following:
Now you can fix the driver properties. This step is necessary to eventually be able to call the thin client in the jar.