我希望将本体可视化以供理解并让他人理解。我更喜欢有自上而下的类层次结构。我使用了 Protégé
附带的 OntoGraph
,但我对这个图不满意:(。我还使用了 Microsoft Visio
通过这个问题,我想知道哪个是用于通用目的和/或特定目的(例如撰写学术论文)可视化本体论的最佳工具 。纸)。
I am looking to visualize ontologies for understanding and making others understand. I would prefer to have top-down hierarchy of classes. I have used OntoGraph
which comes with Protégé
, but I am not happy with the figure :(. I have also used Microsoft Visio
and stencils available for Ontology
, but that too has not impressed me.
Through this question I would like to know which is the best tool for visualizing an ontology for general purpose, and/or for specific purpose (like writing an academic paper).
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我没有针对您的具体问题的完整答案,但您可以尝试查看 Mike Bergman 的 工具列表(用于本体可视化)。
请注意,RDF 是一个图形,因此您可以使用任何图形可视化软件。 “仅”需要将 RDF 映射到特定于工具的模型。
I do not have complete answer for your specific problem, but you may try to review the Mike Bergman's list of tools (for ontology visualization).
Note, RDF is a graph, so you may be able to use any graph-visualization software. "Only" need to map RDF to tool-specific model.
虽然不是本体特定工具,thejit 是一个非常好的 JavaScript 可视化工具包。我过去曾使用它来进行与 semweb 相关的自定义可视化。您不会获得太多开箱即用的支持,但如果您不介意投入一些编码时间,您可以获得一些漂亮的图表。
While not an ontology specific tool, thejit is a very nice javascript visualization toolkit. I've used it in the past for custom semweb-related visualizations. You won't get much out of the box support but if you don't mind putting in some coding time, you can get some nice looking graphs.
我强烈推荐您使用 TopBraid Composer Maestro Edition 的图形编辑器。图形不是最漂亮的。然而,它是互动的;-)
I can highly recommend you to utilize the graphical editor of TopBraid Composer Maestro Edition. The graphics are not the most beautiful ones. However, it's interactive ;-)