iPhone 和 iPad 应用程序真实和虚拟内存使用情况
我一直在努力保持我的 iOS 应用程序内存占用良好且较低,但是,我不太确定 iOS 的真实内存或虚拟内存的良好阈值是多少。
目前,一个非常简单的应用程序使用 12MB 实际内存和 70MB 虚拟内存,但随着我的应用程序变得更加复杂,这个数量将会增加。
I've been trying to keep my iOS Apps memory footprint nice and low, however, I'm not really sure what a good threshold is for either real or virtual memory is iOS.
At the moment a very simple app is using 12MB real memory and 70MB virtual memory but this is going to increase as my app becomes more complex.
My question is, what are the real and virtual memory levels that I should try to keep below to avoid getting memory warnings?
I realise that this is not an exact science as there are other factors like the memory footprint of other apps on the system but a rough answer would be welcomed.
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话虽这么说,只要我将 iPad 上的应用程序保持在约 80 MB 实际内存以下,我通常不会收到任何警告(仅供参考,iPad 1 有 256MB)。 (请记住,这是使用的全部内存,包括操作系统为您的应用程序分配的屏幕缓冲区等,而不仅仅是您自己分配的内存)
This is indeed not at all an exact science. In my experience it's at least as important to release enough memory immediately when receiving an OS request to do so as it is to keep memory low.
That being said, as long as I keep my apps under ~80 MB real memory on an iPad I typically don't get any warnings (for refernce, iPad 1 has 256MB). (keep in mind, this is the full memory used, including screen buffers etc. allocated by the OS for your app, not just what you allocated yourself)