我见过用 php 脚本来填充自动完成的方法......但不太理解它。不管怎样,我有一堆名字和相关的照片 URL。我想要将名称作为自动完成字典及其相关图像......有点像 Facebook 搜索。真的不知道从哪里开始。 谢谢!
编辑: 不知道从哪里开始,我的意思是特定于图像..我不需要学习字母表哈哈。我有自动完成名称的文本字段,我只想在名称旁边添加照片,最好是在客户端。
I've seen this approached with a php script to fill the autocomplete..and didn't quite understand it. Anyhoo, I have a bunch of names and associated URLs to photos. I want to have the names as the autocomplete dictionary with their associated images...kinda like the facebook search. Don't really know where to start.
By don't know where to start, I mean specific to the images.. I don't need to learn the alphabet lol. I have the textfield autocompleting with names and I just want to add photos beside the names, preferably clientside.
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jqueryui 站点上的这个自动完成示例作为起点可能对您有用。
假设您的姓名和照片 URL 已存储在某个数据库中,如果您使用“源”选项以您喜欢使用的任何语言指向服务器端脚本,jqueryui 自动完成功能应该可以非常顺利地为您工作,它只需要查询您的数据库并返回 JSON。
This autocomplete example on the jqueryui site might be useful for you as a starting point.
Assuming you've got your names and photo URLs in a database somewhere, the jqueryui autocomplete should work for you pretty smoothly if you use the 'source' option to point to a server-side script in whatever language you're comfortable working in, which just has to query your DB and return JSON.