Scala-IDE/IntelliJ :: 对 Scala、Play 等的模板支持
从 IDE v3.0 开始,Scala IDE 现在为 Play 框架提供了模板支持,包括类型推断、语义突出显示等。同样处理路由文件,woohoo ;-)
不确定 IntelliJ 中的 Play、Scalate 或其他模板引擎支持。
Play 2.0 令人难以置信的出色,以至于缺少 IDE 支持相当小——所有繁重的工作都是通过模型、控制器和 javascript(coffeescript + 数据表)层完成的;视图层由简单的 xhtml 骨架组成,因此没有什么大不了的,例如 Scala 代码的自动完成功能 - 如果无论如何都有错误,您的应用程序将不会编译,因此您可以安全启动;-)
如果模板层IDE 支持到来,这将是一个受欢迎的补充,但我个人并没有因此而失眠......
经过几个月相对愉快地在 Eclipse 的 Scala-IDE 中进行修改后,昨晚刚刚发现了一些东西:
似乎没有任何模板层支持(代码完成、语法突出显示等)。即使对于 TypeSafe 的新采用者 Play 2.0 及其 Razor 风格 @ 语法也是如此。 Scalate,同样的情况,IDE 检测不到任何超级酷的选项(jade、ssp、scaml)。
请注意,这不仅仅是 Scala-IDE 的情况,在请求模板支持大约 2 年后,IntelliJ 似乎也是如此:
显然,必须是很难实现,否则我们将为主要模板语言提供内置或插件支持。这里有点摸索,我能做的最好的事情就是让 IDE 将 .jade 扩展名解释为 Scala 代码,它以宜人的浅蓝色突出显示 scala 关键字,没有其他任何东西,没有悬停,代码完成, arrggggghhh ;-)
这里有什么替代方案?来自 Groovy/Grails 的我已经被对直接 scala 代码的出色 IDE 支持宠坏了,并且非常希望将其与模板层结合起来。
Scala IDE now has template support with type inference, semantic highlighting, etc. for the Play framework as of v3.0 of the IDE. Same deal with routes file(s), woohoo ;-)
Not sure about Play, Scalate, or other template engine support in IntelliJ.
Play 2.0 is unbelievably awesome, so much so that the lack of IDE support is fairly minor -- all the heavy lifting is done via model, controller and javascript (coffeescript + datatables) layers; view layer consists of simple xhtml skeletons, so no biggie not having, for example, autocomplete for Scala code -- your app won't compile if there are errors regardless, so you're safe to boot ;-)
If and when template layer IDE support comes it will be a welcome addition, but nothing that I personally am losing any sleep over...
Just discovered something last night after a couple months of relative joy hacking around in Scala-IDE for Eclipse:
There appears to be NO template layer support whatsoever (code completion, syntax highlighting, etc.). This is the case even for TypeSafe's new adoptee, Play 2.0, with its Razor style @ syntax. Scalate, same boat, none of the uber cool options (jade, ssp, scaml) are detected by the IDE.
This is not just the case for Scala-IDE mind you, seems to be a given with IntelliJ as well, roughly 2 years after requesting template support:
Obviously, must be difficult to implement, otherwise we'd have built-in or plugin support for the main templating languages. Kind of groping in the dark here, the best I've been able to do is have the IDE interpret the .jade extension as Scala code, which highlights scala keywords in a pleasant light-blue and nothing else, no hovers, code completion, arrgggghhh ;-)
What are the alternatives here?? Coming from Groovy/Grails I have gotten spoiled by excellent IDE support for straight scala code and would dearly love to have that tied in with the template layer.
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IntelliJ IDEA 12 计划支持 Play 2.0,IntelliJ IDEA 12 也计划支持一些 Scala 模板语言。
Play 2.0 support is planned for IntelliJ IDEA 12, some of Scala template languages are also planned for IntelliJ IDEA 12.