需要有关 ssrs 的特定类型报告设计的帮助
销售表中的主数据和电话表中的详细数据 两个表之间没有关系,两个表中只有一个字段是公共的,即国家/地区代码。
UK details it is title country wise
Total Sale : 112300 Diag sale: 1300 Reman sale : 10000
Caller Name incomming call out going call call transfer
---------------- --------------------- ------------------- ----------------
keith 5 5 2
john 3 2 1
sam 8 4 5
在下一页中一样,将显示相同的数据,但将显示美国的数据。这样,国家/地区特定数据将显示在每个页面中。 我是 ssrs 的新手,所以我不知道如何使用 ssrs 设计这份报告,
我的商店将提供数据,并且只需要一个参数,例如国家/地区代码。如果我传递“GB、US、DE”等国家/地区代码,那么我的 sp 将返回两个结果集,第一个结果集将从销售表中获取 GB、US 和 DE 国家/地区的数据,
total_sale, diag_sale, Reman_Sale, countrycode
112300 1300 10000 GB
10200 1200 4700 US
4200 1500 5600 DE
callername incommingcall outgoingcall calltransfer countrycode
keith 5 5 5 GB
john 3 2 1 US
sam 8 4 5 DE
这样详细讨论我如何与 ssrs 设计此类报告。
i want to show one master and one detail data.
master data from sale table and detail data from phone table
there is no relation between two table only one field is common in two table that is country code.
in the first page i want to show data regarding UK like
UK details it is title country wise
Total Sale : 112300 Diag sale: 1300 Reman sale : 10000
Caller Name incomming call out going call call transfer
---------------- --------------------- ------------------- ----------------
keith 5 5 2
john 3 2 1
sam 8 4 5
in the next page same data will come but USA data will show. so in this way country specific data will show in each page.
i am new in ssrs so i am not getting any idea how to design this report with ssrs
my store will supply data and it will take only one parameter like country code. if i pass country code like 'GB,US,DE' then my sp will return two result set first result set will fetch data from sale table for country GB,US and DE like
total_sale, diag_sale, Reman_Sale, countrycode
112300 1300 10000 GB
10200 1200 4700 US
4200 1500 5600 DE
first result will look like above output
second result set will look like
callername incommingcall outgoingcall calltransfer countrycode
keith 5 5 5 GB
john 3 2 1 US
sam 8 4 5 DE
so discuss in detail how could i design this type of report with ssrs.
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Good Morning,
In addition to anakulk's solution, you could display detail records using a sub report. You would create the master report which contains the data from your sales table. You would create another report that is based on the phone table.
On the master report, you would insert a sub report, select the report you built based on the phone table, and link it using the country code. This way, whenever you have the UK sales information displaying, the sub report will display the details from the phone table that have UK in the country code field.
2)在该 tablix 中,您可以在第一行编写用于显示 CountryName 的表达式
3)在tablix的第二行,您可以输入“Total Sale:112300 Diag sale:1300 Reman sale:10000”
Do you know about Datasets?
If yes then then in dataset query you can join two tables to get whatever you want on report.
Now on report:-
1)You can take a tablix
2)In that tablix ,on first row you can write expression for displaying CountryName
3)on second row of tablix, you can put "Total Sale : 112300 Diag sale: 1300 Reman sale : 10000 "
4)and finally on 4th row you can put the details fields.
5)You have make a row group ,group by CountryCode.
This just a brief idea..I hope this will help you a bit to atleast start..