template<typename... PARAMS> struct TypeList{};
template<typename TYPE> inline void ntype(ostream &out, TypeList<TYPE>) {
out << typeid(TYPE).name();
template<> inline void ntype(ostream &out, TypeList<int>) {
out << "int";
template<typename ... SUB, template<typename...> class TYPE> void ntype(ostream &out, TypeList<TYPE<SUB...> >) {
ntype(out, TypeList<typename TYPE>());
out << '<';
subtype(out, TypeList<SUB...>());
out << '>';
其中 subtype 是一个模板方法,设计用于递归参数列表,将每个参数应用于 ntype( ) 反过来。
ntype<SomeClass<int> >(out, TypeList<SomeClass<int> >());
它只匹配通用的第一个模板函数 - 没有编译错误,但它永远不会匹配模板模板版本。我确信这只是我缺乏理解,但是当涉及到模板模板的清晰示例时,谷歌结果似乎非常薄弱,对于可变参数模板参数甚至更薄弱。
Can a template template variadic be used to catch all cases of a template parameter being passed that is itself a template?
I've been using templating to produce debug output for some template based methods. Firstly, I created a generic handler, then specialised it for native types:
template<typename... PARAMS> struct TypeList{};
template<typename TYPE> inline void ntype(ostream &out, TypeList<TYPE>) {
out << typeid(TYPE).name();
template<> inline void ntype(ostream &out, TypeList<int>) {
out << "int";
Then I tried to add a second template format to catch template types being passed:
template<typename ... SUB, template<typename...> class TYPE> void ntype(ostream &out, TypeList<TYPE<SUB...> >) {
ntype(out, TypeList<typename TYPE>());
out << '<';
subtype(out, TypeList<SUB...>());
out << '>';
Where subtype is a template method designed to recurse through the param list, applying each to ntype() in turn.
The problem is when I attempt to call this with something to the effect of:
ntype<SomeClass<int> >(out, TypeList<SomeClass<int> >());
It only ever matches the generic first template function - no compilation errors, but it never matches the template template version. I'm sure its merely a lack of understanding on my part, but google results seem very thin on the ground when it comes to clear examples of template templates, and even thinner with regards to variadic template params.
Can anyone explain whether what I'm attempting is even possible and, if so, what I'm doing wrong?
看起来我只是有一个拼写错误 - 我在函数声明中的一个 TypeList 后面添加了 (),可能是从凌晨 3 点的函数调用复制和粘贴而来,这导致了不匹配。
It appears I merely had a typo - I had added () after one of my TypeLists in a function declaration, probably from copy and pasting from a function invocation at 3am, which was causing the mismatch.
So, in case anyone is wondering, yes it is possible, and the above is a perfectly acceptable way to do it.