Transation ID | Ticket Quantity | Total Price | Salesperson | Ticket Price ID
5489 250 250 Jim 8765
5465 50 150 Jim 1258
7898 36 45 Ann 4774
Ticket Prices
Ticket Price ID | Quantity | Price | Bundle Name
8765 1 1 1 ticket, $1
4774 12 15 5 tickets, $10
1258 1 3 1 ticket, $3
Sales Volume/Salesperson
Name | Bundle A | Bundle B | Bundle C | Total
Jim 250 0 50 300
Ann 0 36 0 36
我一直在网上搜索,似乎获得它的最佳方法是使用各种子查询,就正确显示列标题而言,它的效果很好,但它并没有就实际的数字总数而言,它是有效的。它基本上结合了数据,为每个销售人员提供了总读数(在本例中,吉姆和安在捆绑包 A 中都有 250 笔销售,在捆绑包 B 中都有 36 笔销售,依此类推)。有什么方法可以编写一个查询来给出正确的结果吗?或者至少是接近它的东西?感谢您的任何意见。
I'm having issues with a query that I'm not ENTIRELY sure can be done with the way the database is set up. Basically, I'll be using two different tables in my query, let's say Transactions and Ticket Prices. They look like this (With some sample data):
Transation ID | Ticket Quantity | Total Price | Salesperson | Ticket Price ID
5489 250 250 Jim 8765
5465 50 150 Jim 1258
7898 36 45 Ann 4774
Ticket Prices
Ticket Price ID | Quantity | Price | Bundle Name
8765 1 1 1 ticket, $1
4774 12 15 5 tickets, $10
1258 1 3 1 ticket, $3
What I'm aiming for is a report, that breaks down each salesperson's sales by bundle type. The resulting table should be something like this:
Sales Volume/Salesperson
Name | Bundle A | Bundle B | Bundle C | Total
Jim 250 0 50 300
Ann 0 36 0 36
I've been searching the web, and it seems the best way of getting it like this is using various subqueries, which works well as far as getting the column titles properly displayed, but it doesn't work as far as the actual numerical totals. It basically combines the data, giving each salesperson a total readout (In this example, both Jim and Ann would have 250 sales in Bundle A, 36 in Bundle B, etc). Is there any way I can write a query that will give me the proper results? Or even something at least close to it? Thanks for any input.
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您可以使用 Oracle 中的 PIVOT 语句来执行此操作。查询可能如下所示:
You can use the PIVOT statement in Oracle to do this. A query might look something like this:
which would give you results like this: