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Closed 9 years ago.
我认为 Swing SDK 中没有日期选择器。所以你应该自己实现日期选择器,或者使用第三方。
请查看此教程以实现其中一个。您还可以使用开源第三方,例如 JCalendar。
I don't think there is a Date Picker inside Swing SDK. So you should implement the date picker by yourself, or use a third party.
Please check this tutorial for implementing one.You can also use a open source third party like JCalendar.
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我认为 Swing SDK 中没有日期选择器。所以你应该自己实现日期选择器,或者使用第三方。
您还可以使用开源第三方,例如 JCalendar。
I don't think there is a Date Picker inside Swing SDK. So you should implement the date picker by yourself, or use a third party.
Please check this tutorial for implementing one.
You can also use a open source third party like JCalendar.