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Closed 9 years ago.
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在 Bing Maps for WP 中创建信息框的最简单方法之一是简单地使用 MessageBox。这会将您的内容显示在地图顶部,并使其更好地适应地铁样式。传统上,在移动应用程序的地图上使用弹出信息框会导致用户体验不佳。
One of the easist ways to create an infobox in Bing Maps for WP is to simply use the MessageBox. This will display your content on top of the map and makes it fit in with the metro styling better. Traditionally, using popup infoboxes on the map for mobile applications makes for a poor user experience.
基础知识在这里: http://mobiforge.com /designing/story/building-location-service-apps-windows-phone-7
The basics are in here: http://mobiforge.com/designing/story/building-location-service-apps-windows-phone-7