发布的应用程序需要 Visual Studio 才能运行
1-我更改项目属性以在发布模式下构建并重建项目。但是, /bin/release 文件夹是空的,它仍然生成 /bin/debug 文件夹。
2-我选择发布并将其安装在其他计算机上。有趣的是,如果该计算机没有 Visual C#(.Net Framework、Sql 服务器等不会导致问题),则该程序不会运行
3-我添加了一个安装程序并将项目输出(发布)添加到此应用程序。它说找不到 /bin/release/abc.exe 。将其更改为项目输出(调试)并且构建良好。但是,此设置甚至无法在我的计算机上运行。
所以我的问题很简单...如何在发布模式下发布 WPF 应用程序以及如何在不安装 Visual C# 的情况下在其他计算机上运行它们。先感谢您
I have developed a WPF application and I need to try it on other computers.
1- I change my project properties to build in release mode and rebuilt project. However, /bin/release folder is empty and it still generates /bin/debug folder.
2- I selected publish and install it on other computers. Funny thing is, the program is not running if that computer does not have Visual C# (.Net Framework, Sql server etc. does not cause a problem)
3- I added a installer and add project output(release) to this application. It says /bin/release/abc.exe couldn't be find.. Changed it to project output(debug) and it builds fine. However, this setup is not even working on my computer..
So my question is simple... How can I publish WPF application in release mode and how can I run them on other computers without installing Visual C#. Thank you in advance
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您需要在 PC 上安装 .NET 4 框架,才能运行(简单)WPF 应用程序。
应该可以,当您设置输出文件夹时,请参阅 1。
Check properties of your project, and set output folder for Release configuration.
You need .NET 4 framework installed on PC, to run (simple) WPF application.
Should work, when you set your output folder, see 1.