" placeholder="在此输入 foo">
Struts 1 is dead. It hasn't had a release since 2008. I would really think about migrating to a more modern framework.
If you're stuck with Struts 1, you could
avoid using the tag, and go back to basic HTML + JSTL + EL :
<input type="text" name="foo" value="<c:out value='${myForm.foo}' />" placeholder="Enter foo here" />
如果您有一个 JavaBean(带有 getters 和 setters),您可以使用基本的 html 和 bean:write struts 标签。
<input type="text" name="foo" placeholder="Enter foo here"value="<bean:write name="myFormBean" property="foo" />">
In case this might be helpful to others:
If you have a JavaBean (with getters and setters) you could use basic html and the bean:write struts tag.
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Struts 1 is dead. It hasn't had a release since 2008. I would really think about migrating to a more modern framework.
If you're stuck with Struts 1, you could
avoid using the tag, and go back to basic HTML + JSTL + EL :