我得到一个字符串 mild,medium,hot
。我用逗号作为分隔符分割字符串。我也需要在 pickerView 中打印它。
我使用以下代码并成功将列表计数设置为 3。
NSString *spList=[mdict objectForKey:@"spicinesstype"];
NSArray *list = [spList componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
NSLog(@"List count:%d",[list count]);
return [list count];
I got a string as mild,medium,hot
.I split the string with comma as separator.I need to print it in a pickerView too.
I used the following code and got List count as 3 successfully.
NSString *spList=[mdict objectForKey:@"spicinesstype"];
NSArray *list = [spList componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
NSLog(@"List count:%d",[list count]);
return [list count];
But how could I display all 3 items in pickerview
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您应该将您的类设置为选择器视图的委托,然后为您的选择器实现这 3 个委托方法
You should set your class as the delegate of the picker view, Then implement these 3 delegate methods for your picker
首先,您需要通过将 UIPickerViewDelegate 和 UIPickerViewDataSource 放在视图控制器头文件的 @interface 行的末尾来实现它们。
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
方法中添加以下行来执行此操作:或者,如果您正在使用 Interface Builder,则可以在 Interface Builder 中将其链接起来。
First you need to implement UIPickerViewDelegate and UIPickerViewDataSource by putting them on the end of the @interface line of the header file of your view controller.
Like this:
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController <UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource>
Next you need to set your view controller as the delegate and data source of you picker view. You can either do this in the
- (void)viewDidLoad
method of your view controller by adding the lines:Or you can link it up in Interface Builder if you are using that.
Then you need to implement these delegate methods in your View Controller source file.