我和我的班级正在尝试制作一个机器人,我们需要能够在 Labview 中使用 kinect 拍照。我们知道如何从 kinect 获取骨架,但我们不知道如何拍摄照片/视频。有需要下载的DLL吗?我们在互联网上找不到任何东西,但我们知道可以在labview中做到这一点。那么我们需要用C编写任何代码吗?我对 C 非常擅长,所以不要将你的答案限制在 Labview 上。欢迎所有相关答案。
My class and I are trying to make a robot, we need to be able to take a picture using a kinect in Labview. We know how to get a skeleton from the kinect, but we can't figure out how to take a picture/video. Is there a DLL we need to download? We can't find anything on the internet but we know it's possible to do in labview. So do we need to write any code in C? Im pretty good with C so don't restrict your answer to just labview. All relevant answers are welcome.
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我会访问 ni.com 并搜索 LabVIEW Kinect。那里有这样的链接:
使用 Microsoft Kinect API 的 Kinect LabVIEW 界面
I would go on ni.com and search for LabVIEW Kinect. There are links over there like this:
Kinect LabVIEW Interface Using Microsoft Kinect API
就我个人而言,我没有这方面的经验,但是在 Google 上快速搜索“LabVIEW Kinect”会出现任意数量的结果,包括一些显示视频的结果(示例)。根据我在那里看到的视频和图像,看起来他们正在使用 IMAQ 控件来显示视频,所以我假设您将需要视觉工具包。如果您有学术许可证,您可能已经拥有了,但即使没有,您也可以尝试向当地的 NI 办公室索取一份,因为他们通常倾向于支持学校。
Personally, I have no experience with this, but a quick "LabVIEW Kinect" search on Google turns up any number of results, including some which show video (example). Based on the videos and images I see there, it looks like they're using the IMAQ control to show the video, so I'm assuming you're going to need the vision toolkit for that. If you have an academic license, you might already have that, but even if not, you could try asking your local NI office for one, as they generally tend to support schools.