Yii 中的渲染流程
为什么在layouts文件夹中我们必须有column1.php?我读了 yii doc 上的文章。它显示了视图(作为内容传递)-> 的图表。 column1.php(作为内容传递)-> main.php。 为什么视图不能直接传递到 main.php ? column1.php 似乎没有必要。
Why is in the layouts folder we must have the column1.php ? I read the article on yii doc. It shows a diagram the View (passed as content)-> column1.php (passed as content)-> main.php.
Why the view can't pass straight to main.php ? The column1.php seems unessesary.
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如果您希望直接使用 main.php,请更改基本控制器中的 $layout (很可能是组件中的 Controller.php)。请注意,Yii 使用column1 和column2 在Gii 生成的CRUD 代码中放置小部件/导航栏。如果您不使用这些文件,只需删除列文件并如上所述更改默认值即可。
IF you wish to use main.php directly, change $layout in your basecontroller (most likely Controller.php in components). Note that Yii uses column1 and column2 for placing widgets / navigation bars in CRUD code generated by Gii. If you do not use these, just delete the columnd files and change the default as described above.