iPod Touch 应用程序开发的标头是什么?该标头的用途是什么:“SBStatusBarDataManager”?
。这个标头的用途是什么?标头的用途是什么?这主要是指越狱的 iPod/iPhone。
Many tweak developers use the header SBStatusBarDataManager;
. What is this header for and what is the purpose of headers as well? This is mostly refers to jailbroken ipods/iphones.
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iOS 上的状态栏是屏幕顶部的细条,无论您是在运行应用程序还是在启动屏幕上,它通常都是可见的,对吧?
它通常会显示您的移动网络运营商、信号强度、wifi 状态、时间以及有关电池的一些信息。
是一个 iOS 应用程序,用于管理状态栏等内容。SBStatusBarDataManager
是 Springboard 应用程序中众多 Objective-C 类之一。要弄清楚你可以用这个类做什么,你可以对其进行逆向工程。一种方法是使用 class-dump 或 class-dump-z。在框架文件上运行这些工具,以查看该框架中可用的内容。或者,在 Springboard 等程序上运行它,以查看 Springboard 中的内容。在
(您可以通过 ssh 进入越狱的 iPhone 找到它)上运行 class-dump,将生成大量标头,描述 Springboard 内的类。这些标头之一是 SBStatusBarDataManager.h。此标头是 SBStatusBarDataManager 中其他越狱应用程序或调整可以使用的内容的摘要。如果您在此处查看 iOS 5 版本的标头,您可以看到有可用的数据来获取或设置您在状态栏中看到的信息,例如信号强度或运营商名称或电池状态,或强制状态栏自行更新。对于某些示例,您可以通过 Google“SBStatusBarDataManager site:pastebin.com”来查找人们上传的代码示例。
This status bar on iOS is the thin strip at the top of the screen, that's usually visible whether you're running an app, or on your launch screen, right?
It normally shows your mobile network carrier, the signal strength, the wifi status, the time, and some information about the battery.
is the iOS app that manages things like this status bar. TheSBStatusBarDataManager
is one of many objective-c classes within the Springboard app.To figure out what you can do with this class, you can reverse engineer it. One way to do that is to use a tool like class-dump or class-dump-z. Run those tools on framework files, to see what's available in that framework. Or, run it on a program, like Springboard, to see what's in Springboard. Running class-dump on
(which you can find by ssh'ing into a jailbroken iPhone), will generate lots of headers, describing the classes inside Springboard. One of those headers will be SBStatusBarDataManager.h. This header is a summary of the things in SBStatusBarDataManager that other jailbreak apps or tweaks can use.If you look at an iOS 5 version of the header here, you can see that there are available data to get, or set, the information you see in the status bar, like the signal strength or carrier name or battery state, or force the status bar to update itself. For some examples, you might Google "SBStatusBarDataManager site:pastebin.com" to find code samples that people have uploaded.