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Closed 11 years ago.
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ORMLite 是一种已知的 Android ORM 工具。这是网站,其中有几个示例。
ORMLite is one known tool for android ORM. Here is site with couple of examples.
Apache Cayenne 有一个名为 ROP 的东西,它将 ORM 堆栈拆分为服务器和客户端部分。客户端部分已移植到 Android,尽管目前您需要这样做一些 Java 黑客在应用程序中使用它,所以它还不适合所有人。
Apache Cayenne has something called ROP that splits the ORM stack into server and client parts. The client part has been ported to Android, although currently you'd need to do some Java hacking to use it in the app, so it is not for everyone yet.