CSS 悬停过渡不适用于实时链接

发布于 2025-01-06 10:25:34 字数 13803 浏览 4 评论 0原文

基本上我试图在链接悬停时使用 css 转换。问题是,一旦链接生效(例如,将 href="#" 更改为 href="yahoo.com"),过渡不仅会停止工作,而且不会打开链接,而是会添加链接目的地到我的主页地址的末尾,如下所示:“driveandambition.com/yahoo.com”,这当然不起作用。到底发生了什么?我几个小时以来一直在拔头发,试图把这个鼻屎找出来。对我来说,为什么它不起作用或者为什么将目的地添加到地址末尾毫无意义。

我已经包含了 sidebar.php 中的 css 和 php/html 代码,这是它在社交媒体区域中发生的主要位置。我只包含了 sidebar.php 代码,但是一旦它们成为现实,过渡就不会在任何地方的任何链接上工作。当它不真实时,转换就会起作用。我希望我在提问时遵循了协议:(感谢您的帮助,您可以挽救生命。

网站在这里找到driveandambition.com ...它仍在建设中。

     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Drive and Ambition
                <div id="menu">
                    <div id="m-logo"><a href="/" title="Home"><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/dna-logo.png" width="200" height="227" alt="Drive &amp; Ambition" /></a></div>
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                            <a href="#" class="soc-left" title="D&A on Twitter" target="_blank"><span><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/twttr.png" width="18" height="16" alt="D&amp;A Twitter" />Twitter</span></a>

                <a href="http://www.facebook.com/DriveAndAmbitionVA" title="D&A on Facebook" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/fcebk.png" width="8" height="16" alt="D&amp;A Facebook" />Facebook</a>

                <a class="soc-left" href="http://vimeo.com/driveandambition" title="D&amp;A on Vimeo" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/vimeo.png" width="16" height="16" alt="D&amp;A Vimeo" />Vimeo</a>

                <a href="http://driveandambition.tumblr.com/" title="D&amp;A on Tumblr" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/tmblr.png" width="16" height="16" alt="D&amp;A Tumblr" />Tumblr</a>
                            <div class="clear"></div>
                        <div id="m-search"><input name="Search" type="text" id="search" value="search" size="28" maxlength="140" /></div>
                        <p id="extra">&copy;2012 DRIVE &amp; AMBITION 
                        Site:<a href="http://rawinn.tumblr.com/" target="_blank">FTWinn</a></p>
                    </div><!--end m-end-->
                </div><!--end menu-->

    Theme Name: Drive and Ambition
    Theme URI: http://www.driveandambition.com
    Description: A clean and minimal theme that is compatible with WordPress 3.0
    Author: W.A.T.T.S.
    Author URI: http://rawinn.tumblr.com
    Version: 1.0

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    /*//////// single //////////*/

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Basically I'm trying to use css transitions on hover of my links. The problem is that once the links are live, (meaning a href="#" is changed to a href="yahoo.com" for example) the transitions not only stop working, but instead of opening the link, it adds the link destination to the end of my homepage address like so: "driveandambition.com/yahoo.com" which of course doesn't work. What in the actual hell is going on?? I've been pulling my hair out for hours trying to pick this booger out. It makes no sense to me why its not working or why its adding the destination to the end of the address.

I've included the css and php/html code from the sidebar.php which is the main place its happening down in the social media area. I've only included sidebar.php code but the transitions don't work on any links anywhere once they are made real. When its not real, the transitions work. I hope I have followed protocol in asking questions :( Thanks for your help, you may save a life.

Site found here driveandambition.com ...its still under construction.

     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Drive and Ambition
                <div id="menu">
                    <div id="m-logo"><a href="/" title="Home"><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/dna-logo.png" width="200" height="227" alt="Drive & Ambition" /></a></div>
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                    <div id="m-end">
                        <div id="social">
                            <a href="#" class="soc-left" title="D&A on Twitter" target="_blank"><span><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/twttr.png" width="18" height="16" alt="D&A Twitter" />Twitter</span></a>

                <a href="http://www.facebook.com/DriveAndAmbitionVA" title="D&A on Facebook" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/fcebk.png" width="8" height="16" alt="D&A Facebook" />Facebook</a>

                <a class="soc-left" href="http://vimeo.com/driveandambition" title="D&A on Vimeo" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/vimeo.png" width="16" height="16" alt="D&A Vimeo" />Vimeo</a>

                <a href="http://driveandambition.tumblr.com/" title="D&A on Tumblr" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.driveandambition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/tmblr.png" width="16" height="16" alt="D&A Tumblr" />Tumblr</a>
                            <div class="clear"></div>
                        <div id="m-search"><input name="Search" type="text" id="search" value="search" size="28" maxlength="140" /></div>
                        <p id="extra">©2012 DRIVE & AMBITION 
                        Site:<a href="http://rawinn.tumblr.com/" target="_blank">FTWinn</a></p>
                    </div><!--end m-end-->
                </div><!--end menu-->

    Theme Name: Drive and Ambition
    Theme URI: http://www.driveandambition.com
    Description: A clean and minimal theme that is compatible with WordPress 3.0
    Author: W.A.T.T.S.
    Author URI: http://rawinn.tumblr.com
    Version: 1.0

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玩心态 2025-01-13 10:25:35

添加 http://www。任何外部链接,否则它们被视为相对链接。


绝对链接 - 专门指向网页的链接;例如 http://www.yahoo.com
相对链接 - 转到相对于当前页面的页面的链接;例如 news.html

您要求提供指向 yoursite.com/yahoo.com 的链接,但该文件夹中没有名为 yahoo.com 的页面,所以有点恶心。

要在文件夹内导航,例如,如果您有索引页,然后单独归档图像(出于组织目的,您应该如此),您可以使用“/images/theimage.png”的相对链接链接到它们,您可以使用此清理网站 CSS 中文件的所有绝对链接。

add http://www. to any external links other wise they are considered relative links.

To clarify,

Absolute links - links that go specifically to a web page; e.g. http://www.yahoo.com
Relative links - links that go to a page relative to the current one; e.g news.html

You are asking for the link to go to yoursite.com/yahoo.com and there is no page called yahoo.com within that folder, so it kind of barfs.

To navigate inside folders, for example if you have an index page, and then images separately filed (as you should for organizational purposes) you can link to them by using a relative link of '/images/theimage.png' You can use this to clean up all of the absolute links to files within your website's css.

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